Vi-Cell XR Features

Viable/non-viable cell staining and quantitation in Bioreactors must be accurate and reproducible. Relying on manual cell counting techniques leaves you open to costly errors. The Vi-CELL XR cell counter overcomes these issues with automated cell staining and counting in just a few minutes with customizable cell types for individual needs.  


  • Viability testing
  • Total cell concentration
  • Total viable cell concentration
  • Mean cell size
  • Real time cellular images
  • Bioprocess monitoring
  • Validated reagents
  • Convenient reagent pack


  • Fast automated cell staining & cell counting (< 2.5 mins) with customizable cell types
  • Distinguishes between viable and non-viable cells across a wide range of cell types with confidence
  • Software with pre-programmed cell types (CHO, yeast, hybridoma) as well as option to design custom analysis type for specific cell lines
  • Automated cell counting, staining & disposal 
  • Operator bias eliminated with automated protocols