Technology Review: Gain Independent Compensation

Avalanche photodiode and Photomultiplier tube

Two types of photon detectors are used to amplify and then convert light into electronic signals in flow cytometry. The traditional detector is the photomultiplier tube (PMT). Avalanche Photodiodes (APD) are another type of photon detector and are used in the DxFLEX flow cytometer.

A voltage is applied that accelerates the electron through the detector to amplify the signal. Increasing the voltage increases the energy of the electrons and thereby amplifies the signal. A measure of the amplification is a unitless quantity, called the Gain.

DxFLEX APD Technology


Signal Intensity versus Gain: Photomultiplier Tube Versus Avalanche Photodiode

Comparison of gain linearity between APD and PMT

CytExpert for DxFLEX Acquisition and Analysis Software Compensation Import

CytExpert Import Compensation window

  1. Use Suggested Gain settings to create compensation. Use beads to acquire the single color stains. Save to the Compensation Library or export to a Comp file.
  2. Import the compensation and gains into the New Experiment.
  3. Then adjust gains on the sample if needed, compensation will automatically adjust.

Experimental workflow

Traditional Experimental workflow

DxFLEX workflow

DxFLEX workflow

DxFLEX is an IVD instrument that is available only in countries where the regulatory approval is obtained from the local regulatory agencies. Please check with your local sales representatives before placing your orders.

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