Let's Get the Data You Need
From the Human Genome Project to today's quest for precision medicine, we've long invested in providing genomic reagents that reduce complexity and improve productivity.
Our reagent portfolio is powered by SPRI technology, which uses paramagnetic beads to selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size.
SPRI reagents enable our chemistries to:
- Deliver high-performance isolation, purification and cleanup protocols supporting applications such as qPCR, ddPCR, Sanger sequencing, microarrays and next-generation sequencing (NGS)
- Be used interchangeably between manual methods and automated methods on our Biomek liquid handlers, including the Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System
Let's Find the Right Reagent for Your Application
- Reagent Type
- Nucleic Acid Input
- Storage Temperature
- Key Differentiator
AMPure XP Reagent
The gold standard in bead-based NGS cleanup
Maximizing recovery, consistency and speed to facilitate the entire NGS workflow, AMPure XP reagent meets the stringent needs of today’s genomic applications and minimizes the risk of losing important genetic information.
- Works with DNA
- High recovery of amplicons greater than 100 bp
- Efficient removal of unincorporated dNTPs, primers, primer dimers, salts and other contaminants

Relative costs of the different steps required to perform various NGS applications. Steps include extraction, library construction, library enrichment, cleanup and sequencing. Costs were calculated based on average list price of commercially available kits and reagents in 2017. Cleanup efficiencies were calculated by determining the total DNA yield by Picogreen Assay after performing a cleanup procedure on a known amount of DNA. The percent yield relative to AMPure XP reagent performance was then used to calculate the impact of efficiency on various commercially available library construction methods and a change in purification reagent.
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SPRIselect Reagent
SPRI paramagnetic bead-based chemistry for simple & speedy size selection
SPRIselect reagent provides more flexibility and control over the size selection process. Harnessing the power of SPRI technology, it provides robust, reproducible and customizable size selection with minimal lot-to-lot variance.
- Works with fragmented DNA
- Tunable from 150 to 800 base pairs to offer easy adjustments for specific applications and sequencers
- Predictable, consistent size selection between runs and reagent lots
- Scalable from manual to automated workflows for high-throughput processing in 96-well plates
- Suggested for use in over 40 library preparation kits

SPRIselect reagent and two other commercially available kits were used for size selection on sheared gDNA from E. coli. The graph represents the time for single size selection or cleanup. The SPRIselect reagent workflow for a single size selection is 4.2 and 2 times faster than supplier A and supplier B, respectively. The times were based on performing size selection for 8 samples manually.
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RNAClean XP Reagent
The only cleanup kit with non-detectable levels of RNase
Thanks to our proprietary SPRI paramagnetic bead-based chemistry, RNAClean XP reagent enables you to purify RNA and cDNA from common enzymatic reactions and helps to ensure efficient recovery of your samples.
- Works with RNA and cDNA
- Compatible with manual and automated processing
- Complete removal of salts, unincorporated primers and dNTPs
- Simple, automation-friendly protocol with no centrifugation, filtration or precipitation steps
- Suggested for use in over 20 RNA-seq library preparation kits

Three starting concentrations were purified using RNAClean XP reagent. They all had a percent yield that was similar, and the average recovery was 78%.
Let's Complete Your Workflow
NGS library preparation can be complemented by a growing portfolio of genomic solutions from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, which currently includes nucleic acid extraction and purification solutions for a range of input material, as well as automated and semi-automated devices.
Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System
A purpose-built liquid handler for NGS library preparation, the Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System reduces manual transfers and hands-on time for the traditionally labor-intensive process of library construction.
RNAdvance Family: Blood, Cell, Tissue and Viral Kits
Produces high-quality RNA compatible with a variety of analysis techniques, including NGS, microarray and qRT-PCR.
Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations
With two large deck sizes and six efficient pipetting configurations, Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations enable microliter-to-milliliter transfers with precision, optimize access to high-density decks and give you the freedom to walk away with confidence.
Echo 525 and 650 Series Acoustic Liquid Handlers
Echo acoustic liquid handlers use sound energy to precisely transfer liquid without contact, pipette tips, nozzles or tubing.
FormaPure XL Reagent Kit
A single-chemistry extraction kit for the isolation of total nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) from FFPE tissues.

From online and onsite training options to comprehensive service plans, we're here to help you optimize productivity and achieve peak performance.
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These products are not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions.
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