Minimize the Bottlenecks in Your Lab Through Automation
As biologics research continues to evolve and gain prominence in therapy development for disease states, the need for reliable and robust cell lines will greatly increase.
Traditionally, cell line development has been achieved manually, limiting it to low-throughput applications and making it susceptible to variability caused by human error and contamination.
Automating the cell line development workflow—from a point of genetic manipulation through clone selection—increases throughput and optimizes media conditions which are critical for cell lines needed for vaccines, antibody production, recombinant therapies and drug screening.
From transfection or fusion, expansion, screening, clone selection and titer assays, Beckman Coulter Liquid Handlers provide a complete walk-away solution while efficiently managing your data stream and enabling your scientists to perform other important laboratory duties. One Trusted Partner for Automated Liquid Handlers, Consumables and Service Acoustic and tip-based technologies for low- to high-volume transfers.

- Custom and standard automation solutions to remove process variability
- Best-in-class instruments
- Remove potential for human error through automation

Time Savings
- Increase throughput of cell lines developed
- Decrease time required to produce clones
- Reduce FTE utilization for repetitive tasks

- Increase number of cell lines developed
- Reduce quantity of materials used
- Instrument flexibility for multiple workflow stages

Data Integrity
- Systems come with validation and data integrity functions for GMP compliance
- Secure connectivity across internal data infrastructure
Customer Story
Don't just take our word for it!
SINTEF Industry, Norway discusses the benefits of automating cell line development workflows with Beckman Coulter Liquid Handlers.
Contact us today!
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