All The Tools You Need
to Rapidly Measure IgG Titer
and Protein Aggregation
in Your Lab
Agilent BioTek Multimode Microplate Readers with fluorescence polarization
Agilent BioTek multimode microplate readers provide modularity and upgradability to meet your diverse workflow and data analysis needs now, and as your assay requirements evolve. The fluorescence polarization module can rapidly analyze plates of Valita Titer and Valita Aggregation Pure assays. They also enable you to measure other plate-based assays, including ELISA, growth, metabolic and enzyme kinetics.
Available models:

Let’s accelerate your antibody workflow
The Valita Titer assay measures IgG titer in 96- or 384-well plates directly in cell suspension. The Valita Aggregation Pure assay is a plate-based, 96‑well screening tool that offers rapid, high-throughput antibody aggregation detection and quantification. In only 3 steps—and less than 15 minutes—these simple assays deliver rapid information about your antibody samples so you can shorten workflow times and make faster decisions.
Add samples to plate

Mix and incubate for 5 minutes

Measure in a plate reader via fluorescence polarization
What’s more, this simple workflow enables easy automation by using our Biomek i7 Liquid Handler—to save you even more time by eliminating tedious manual work.
Let’s Accelerate Your Antibody Discovery and Development
Interested in a demo? Just want to ask a few questions? We’re here to help—please reach out anytime.
Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Valita, Valita Titer and the ValitaCell logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ValitaCell Ltd in the United States and other countries. ValitaCell is a Beckman Coulter Company.