Automated Liquid Handling Solutions

By combining the power of Echo and Biomek brands, we’ve officially launched the next wave in liquid handling technology.

As experts in fluidtransferology, we now offer a broader range of flexible, scalable liquid handling solutions for NGS, genomic, cellular, protein and other workflows—for research areas such as drug discovery, biopharma, agriculture, synthetic biology, forensics and more. We also offer a library of demonstrated next-generation sequencing and nucleic acid sample prep methods automated across our portfolio.

We are committed to the continued support of our customers utilizing our legacy instruments. Here are resources, manuals, and eIFUs to support the Biomek 4000, Biomek NXp, and Biomek FXp automated workstations.

Whether it’s acoustic dispensing, tip-based liquid handling or fully integrated systems—we have the expertise and breadth of capabilities to expand your scientific boundaries, maximize your budget and rapidly drive your discoveries.

ECHO is a trademark or registered trademark of Labcyte Inc. in the United States and other countries. Labcyte is a Beckman Coulter company.