Microfluidic Module

The microfluidics (MF) module for the BioLector XT microbioreactor allows you to run up to 32 highly flexible, pH-controlled fed-batch cultivations in microscale during one cultivation run.

The ready-to-use MF microtiter plate (MTP) is filled and sealed with a foil inside a biosafety cabinet. Afterwards, the BioLector XT gassing lid is placed atop the plate, sealing the MTP against potential risks of contamination. The plate-lid combination is now protected from the outer environment and can be carried to the BioLector instrument, maintaining sterility inside.

After placing the plate-lid combination inside the microbioreactor, both are connected via gas tubing. During cultivation, the feed and pH value are maintained and controlled well-specifically for every individual of the 32 cultivations. The new BioLection software allows for easy and user-friendly setup of process-oriented fed-batch profiles, that can be freely combined as necessary.

Independent of the MF module all standard features of the microbioreactor remain unchanged. Additionally, the instrument can be equipped with any or all other BioLector XT gassing modules, all of which can be used in combination with the MF module.