ClearLLab Reagents Sample Data

B-cell Tubes 1 and 2

Examples of dual parameter histograms from a mature B-cell neoplasm sample for BL1 and BL2 reagents (NOTE: not all histograms shown).ClearLLab B Cell Tubes Sample Data

T-cell Tubes 1 and 2

Examples of dual parameter histograms from amature T-cell neoplasm peripheral blood sample for TL1 and TL2 reagents (NOTE: not all histograms shown).

ClearLLab T Cell Tubes Sample Data

Myeloid Tube

Examples of dual parameter histograms from anacute myeloid leukemia (AML) bone marrow sample for Myeloid reagents (NOTE: not all histograms shown).

ClearLLab Myeloid Tubes Sample Data