CD159a Antibodies

CD159a (NKG2a) is a 40 kDa (reduced), 75 kDa (unreduced) type II transmembrane protein associated with CD94 to form a disulphide-linked heterodimer. CD159a is a member of the Ca2+-dependent (C‑type) lectin family. The CD94/NKG2A dimer is an inhibitory NK receptor for MHC Class I, with a broader specificity than Killer cell Immunoglobin (Ig)‑like Receptors (KIR). The intracellular portion of CD159a (NKG2A) contains two characteristic ITIM motifs (Immunoreceptor tyrosine based inhibition motif) involved in the transduction of the inhibitory signal. The CD159a (NKG2A) antigen is always co-expressed with CD94. The CD94/NKG2A complex is detectable in sub-populations of NK cells, T cells and thymocytes.

Clone: Z199 Isotype: IgG2b Mouse

The Z199 antibody reacts specifically with CD94bright NK cells expressing the inhibitory form of the CD94 molecules. It does not stain the activator form of CD94 which corresponds to the association of CD94 with other products of the NKG2a gene family. The antibody restores the ability of CD94bright NK clones to lyse HLA class I targets.

Explore CD159a Antibodies

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