Sanger Dye Terminator Removal

CleanSEQ Cleanup and Size Selection

A rapid, high-performance dye-terminator removal process using a paramagnetic bead-based technology.

  • Requires no centrifugation or filtration
  • Performed manually or fully automated for high-throughput dye-terminator removal
  • Produces sequences with longer Phred 20 read lengths and higher signal intensities than any other purification technology

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Explore CleanSEQ Reagents

Product Features


CleanSEQ is a highly efficient, easily automated sequencing purification system that removes Big Dye terminator and sequencing reaction contaminants.


Compatible with common sequencing chemistries and platforms in both 96- and 384-well formats. CleanSEQ is automation-friendly allowing both high throughput and format flexibility.

Consistently Delivers

Long Phred20 read lengths averaging over 700 bps and pass rates of 85% or higher. Increased average signal strength - efficient elimination of sequecing reaction contaminants.

High Quality Sequencing Results

Higher average signal intensity compared to ethanol precipitation, gel filtration, and silica-based magnetic reagents.

Content and Resources

SPRI Methodology Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) technology, uses paramagnetic beads to selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size.
OEM Reagent Kits Flyer: By partnering with us as an OEM supplier to develop your genomic assays, you’re committing to a solution that you and your customers can rely on.
Genomic Reagent Selection Guide (PDF) Choose the reagent you need by input sample type and application.

Technical Documents

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