Simplifying Analysis with the Valita Titer Assay

An analytical development group in the biopharma industry is a team of scientists and researchers dedicated to developing, optimizing and running methods and techniques for the analysis of biological samples and compounds. This group focuses on designing, validating, and implementing analytical assays and technologies as an internal service. This supports various aspects of drug development and manufacturing such as the characterization of critical quality attributes (CQA) of specific drugs.

Analytical Development workflow Valita Titer Assay


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Rapid & High-Throughput IgG Quantification

The Valita Titer Assay enhances the antibody process development workflow by enabling rapid, high-throughput IgG quantification directly from crude cell culture sample. It supports the early-stage evaluation, optimization of culture conditions, scale-up/down assessment, process robustness evaluation, and troubleshooting.


Rapid and High-Throughput Analysis
The Valita Titer Assay allows you to improve your analytics turnaround time and make informed decisions faster.


 technology comparison valita titer

Enhanced Sensitivity and Specificity
The Valita Titer Assay provides high sensitivity and specificity in quantifying IgG. This assay requires a minimal sample volume, while maximizing the information you can obtain from each and optimizing the resource utilization.


simplified workflow valita titerSimplified Analytics
The Valita Titer Assay offers a streamlined workflow that simplifies your analytical processes. With its simple add-mix-read workflow, it minimizes the complexity associated with antibody titer quantification and eliminates the need for sample preparation or wash.


automation valita titerEasy Integration Into Automated Workflows
The Valita Titer Assay easily integrates into automated workflows to provide a fully automated IgG quantification platform to accelerate sample throughput and processing time. It’s compatible with most platforms, including our Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations.


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The Power of Fluorescence Polarization

Thanks in part to the power of fluorescence polarization, the Valita Titer Assay is among the fastest, easiest and readily-automatable quantification assays available.

Fluorescence polarization is a widely used technique for monitoring binding events in solution. It’s based on the observation that when a fluorescently labeled molecule is excited with plane-polarized light, it emits light with a level of polarization that is inversely proportional to the rate of molecular rotation.


Insightful Resources

Technical Note
Rapid Rabbit IgG Quantification using the Valita Titer Assay

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Valita Titer Assay Brochure

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valitatiter application note
Application Note
Increased throughput for IgG quantification using Valita Titer 384-well plates

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Application Note
Automating the Valita Titer IgG Quantification Assay on a Biomek i-Series Liquid Handling System

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Learn More About the Valita Titer Assay

Introducing Valita Titer Assays

Valita Titer plate-based, 96- and 384-well assays that offer a rapid, cost-effective way to measure IgG

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Automate With Ease

Easily integrate Valita Titer into your automated liquid handler and microplate reader

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Cell Line Development Webinar

Speed up your clone selection process with the Valita Titer assay

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Say Goodbye to Sample Preparation

Measure IgG titer straight from cell culture samples—no sample prep, additional reagents or wash required

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Future of Bioprocessing

Let's dive into the world of monoclonal antibodies and explore the solutions that pave the way for innovative and effective therapeutics.

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Let’s Accelerate Your Antibody Discovery and Development

Interested in a demo? Just want to ask a few questions?
We’re here to help, please reach out anytime.

© For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Valita, Valita Titer and the ValitaCell logo are the trademarks of ValitaCell Ltd in the United States and other countries. ValitaCell is a Beckman Coulter Company.