Valita Titer Assay — A Simplified Workflow

The Valita Titer assay is one of the fastest and easiest IgG quantification assays because of its simple add-mix-read workflow. 


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In just three steps, and in as little as 15 minutes, you’ll be able to prepare and measure a full 96- or 384-well plate. There’s no sample prep, additional reagents or wash required, so even if you wanted to measure non-purified samples directly from a bioreactor, you could do so with ease.

Add fresh media/IgG sample and mix


Incubate for five minutes at room temperature


Measure IgG using a plate reader equipped with a fluorescence polarization module 

About the Valita Titer Assay Principle

The Valita Titer assay uses fluorescence polarization (FP) for detection. FP effectively analyzes changes in the size of molecules, given that smaller molecules tumble more rapidly than larger ones in solution.

valita titer mechanism


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Valita Titer plates come pre-coated with an IgG Fc-specific fluorescently labeled probe. The probe is reconstituted using fresh cell culture media. So, to measure IgG effectively and rapidly in your lab, all you’d need is a fluorescence polarization-enabled microplate reader and filters that are compatible with green fluorescent dyes such as fluorescein. 


Insightful Resources


Application Note
High-throughput IgG quantitation platform for clone screening during drug discovery and development.

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valitatiter application note
Application Note
Increased throughput for IgG quantification using Valita Titer 384-well plates

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Learn More About the Valita Titer Assay

Introducing Valita Titer Assays

Valita Titer plate-based, 96- and 384-well assays that offer a rapid, cost-effective way to measure IgG

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Compare IgG Measurement Technologies

See how the Valita Titer assay compares to Protein A HPLC, ELISA and biolayer interferometry

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Automate With Ease

Easily integrate Valita Titer into your automated liquid handler and microplate reader

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Cell Line Development Webinar

Speed up your clone selection process with the Valita Titer assay

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Future of Bioprocessing

Let's dive into the world of monoclonal antibodies and explore the solutions that pave the way for innovative and effective therapeutics.

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Let’s Accelerate Your Antibody Discovery and Development

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© For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Valita, Valita Titer and the ValitaCell logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ValitaCell Ltd in the United States and other countries. ValitaCell is a Beckman Coulter Company.