Automation in Therapeutic Antibody Development:
Current Trends, Challenges and Solutions

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Monoclonal antibody (mAb) development is a complex and challenging process, with bottlenecks present from preclinical development to manufacturing.

Key challenges include labor-intensive tasks like cell line development, extensive safety and pharmacokinetic profiling, and the need to meet regulatory requirements.

These factors can prolong the time it takes to bring novel mAb therapies to market.

Let’s Talk

Whitepaper: Read More About Automation in Therapeutic Antibody Development

Automation in Therapeutic Antibody Development: Current Trends, Challenges and Solutions

Automation offers a promising solution to these challenges by: 

  • Accelerating decision-making
  • Enhancing quality control
  • Streamlining development processes

This whitepaper explores the latest progress in mAb development and highlights how automation can expedite the journey from bench to bedside.


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Let’s Talk

Automation platforms and precision instruments can streamline development—from early-stage research to analysis—helping to ensure a steady pipeline of therapeutic mAbs reach patients in need faster. Let’s talk about how we can help you overcome manual barriers, minimize downtime and reduce time to market.

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