Cell Line Development Products

Cell line development is the process by which the cellular machinery is co-opted to manufacture therapeutic biologics or other proteins of interest. Discover products for this pivotal process below. 

Products for Cell Line Development

Optima XPN

Optima Ultracentrifuges

Our premier line of ultracentrifuges for high quality separations
valitatiter igg quantification assay kit val003

ValitaTiter Assays

Rapid, high-throughput IgG quantification in crude cell culture samples


Simplify your population sorting with the CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter

Biomek i-Series

Automate every step of the complex Cell Line Development workflow - from transfection to enrichment to limiting dilution to culture/feeding to assaying to hit-picking and expansion.

Echo 525

Acoustic liquid handling for precise and accurate low volume transfers enabling assay miniaturization

Avanti JXN 26

Avanti JXN Series

High performance centrifugation for cell culture harvest and purification optimization


Use the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for fast bioreactor media analysis


Used at multiple steps along cell line development. Eliminate human error and user bias when counting cells and determining viability.


Avanti J-15R

Separate cells from culture media for antibody titer assays, quantification. Pellet cells for media exchanges.

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