How do the beads work for Beckman Coulter's genomic reagents kits? How does binding work?

Our beads rely upon a multifactorial equilibrium chemistry for binding, washing, and elution. Binding buffer components facilitate nucleic acid immobilization at functional-group-rich binding sites on the beads and the wash steps preserve this delicate equilibrium while solubilizing contaminants to allow for their removal. Elution disrupts this balance and re-solubilizes nucleic acids to allow for their separation from the beads. This applies to AMPure XP RNAClean XP, SPRIselect, GenFind V2, GenFind V3, FormaPure, FormaPure Total, FormaPure DNA, FormaPure RNA, CosMCPrep, DNAdvance Cell, DNAdvance Tissue, RNAdvance Blood, RNAdvance Tissue and RNAdvance Cell.
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