What is the minimum elution volume for Beckman Coulter's genomic reagent kits?

We recommend 40 ul. The beads should be submerged when they are in the elution buffer, otherwise when you transfer the eluate to another plate, you may get excessive bead carryover or low yield. In most 96 well PCR plates, it takes 40 ul to cover the beads. Certain combinations of third-party labware and magnetic separation plates may allow for lower elution volumes. This applies to AMPure XP, RNAClean XP, SPRIselect, GenFind V2, GenFind V3, FormaPure, FormaPure Total, FormaPure DNA, FormaPure RNA, CosMCPrep, DNAdvance Cell, DNAdvance Tissue, RNAdvance Blood, RNAdvance Tissue, and RNAdvance Cell.
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