Cytobank Automatic gating streamlines population identification in two easy steps

Is manual gating a source of variability in your single-cell data analysis? Do you spend too much time on manually adjusting gates?

Join the Cytobank platform and find out how to train an automatic gating model using your marker panel and gating strategy, apply it to new data to faithfully identify the populations you defined without wasting time and effort on manual gate adjustments, and share it with others.

Reduced variability compared to manual gating

96 technical repeats were analyzed by four independent operators. An automatic gating model was trained on a subset of files (n=24) analyzed by operator 1 and subsequently applied to the remaining files by all four operators.

Shorter time to result

Time required for training and application of automatic model is 75% shorter compared to manual gating of the full dataset for population identification in 72 files with 7 gates.

Cytobank Automatic Gating Resources

Cytobank v10 Automatic Gating Application Note
Application Note
How to establish and evaluate machine learning- assisted automatic gating to improve reproducibility and reduce time spent on your flow cytometry data analysis.

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Cytobank v10 Automatic Gating Whitepaper
Hypothesis-driven analysis of a 19-color deep immunophenotyping panel using automatic gating.

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The Cytobank platform is a cloud-based single-cell analysis solution for high-dimensional data, visual data management and controlled sharing.


An introduction to Cytobank Automatic gating
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