Kaluza Cytobank and R Console Plugins Installation Instructions

  1. Once you click the link, the Kaluza Cytobank Plugin or Kaluza R Console Plugin ZIP file will download to your computer.
  2. After completing the download, extract and uncompress the ZIP file.
  3. After completing the download, verify the integrity of the file (recommended step).

    1. Launch Windows PowerShell. Type Windows PowerShell on your task bar and click on Open.
    2. In Power Shell, compute the hash value for the installer file you downloaded using the Get FileHash cmdlet, by typing

      Get-FileHash ‘C:\Users\user1\Downloads\Cytobank.plugin’ -Algorithm SHA512 | Format-List

      NOTE: ‘C:\Users\user1\Downloads\Cytobank.plugin’ is an example file path. Please replace with the path to the plugin file in your computer.

    3. Check that the SHA512 output matches the value in the below table, for the product that you downloaded, this confirms that the file has not been corrupted, tampered with or altered from the original.
  4. To install Kaluza plugins:

    1. Log into the Windows account that was used to install Kaluza or another Windows user account with appropriate permissions to install programs.
    2. Run Kaluza Analysis as an Administrator. To do this, select the start button and right click the Kaluza icon, then select More and select Run as administrator.
    3. Click on the Start menu and select Plugin Management. Navigate to the location of the plugin file in your computer and click on Install.

For details on using Kaluza Cytobank or Kaluza R Console plugins, refer to the Kaluza Cytobank Plugin Instructions for Use and the Kaluza R Console Plugin Instructions for Use, respectively.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.