Biomek i-Series Video Gallery

A better understanding of our Biomek i-Series is what you need? No problem. Check out our videos on the Biomek i-Series pipetting capabilities.


Gripper Rotation


Biomek i Series: Gripper Rotation and Navigation on High-Density Deck. This video highlights transporting labware using the rotating gripper on a high-density deck.

Dual Gripping


Biomek i Series: Dual Gripping on the i7 Hybrid. This video highlights dual rotating grippers moving labware on the i7 Hybrid.

Parallel Processing


Biomek i Series: Parallel Processing on the i7 Hybrid. This video highlights parallel sample processing using both the 96 Multichannel and the Span-8 to aspirate and dispense at the same time.

Transferring Labware


Biomek i Series: Transferring Labware In/Out of an on-deck Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC). This video highlights using the rotating gripper to put a lid on a 96-well PCR plate, then move the PCR plate to the on-deck ATC. Once thermal cycling is complete, the rotating gripper moves the PCR from the ATC back to an ALP and removes the lid.

96 Multichannel Tip Loading


Biomek i-Series: 96 Multichannel Tip Loading. This video highlights the 96 Multichannel picking up 96 tips to pipette in a 96-well microplates (SLAS/ANSI format).

Intrawell Pipetting for Mixing


Biomek i Series: Intrawell Pipetting for Mixing Using 96 Multichannel. This video highlights using the 96 Multichannel to aspirate and dispense in the same well multiple times for mixing in a 96-well microplates (SLAS/ANSI format).

Large Volume Transfer


Biomek i-Series: Large Volume Transfer Using the 96 Multichannel. This video highlights using the 96 Multichannel to pipette reagents into 96-well microplates (SLAS/ANSI format) using a single aspirate and then dispensing in multiple 96-well microplates.

Features and Benefits


Features and Benefits of the Biomek i-Series