
每年,贝克曼库尔特(Beckman Coulter)的科学家都会在世界各地的会议,会议和座谈会上发表有关各种主题的海报。



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Building IVDR compliant panels for haematological disorders wallchart Diagnostic purpose of the IVDR conjugated antibodies
Characterizing the Light-Scatter Sensitivity of the CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer The CytoFLEX is so sensitive that the SSC detector actually has an attenuation filter to reduce 95% of the scatter signal, adjusting it to a range useful for cells
An 8-color Panel for Detection of Human Blood Dendritic Cells by Flow Cytometry Author: Tewfik Miloud, Nathalie Dupas, Anders Kverneland, Mathias Streitz, Birgit Sawitzki and Felix A. Montero-Julian | Beckman Coulter Life Science, Inc., Global Assay and Applications Development, Marseille, France , 2Institute of Medical Immunology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany Institute of Medical Immunology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Preparing a CytoFLEX for Nanoscale Flow Cytometry In this poster, we will demonstrate how to properly setup and clean a CytoFLEX flow cytometer for NP analyses
An Automated Cell Preparation Method for FlowCAREâ„¢ Pan-Leukocyte Gating (PLG) CD4 Assay in a 96-Well Plate Offers Increased Throughput and Ease of Use Authors: Jin Zhang, Valentin Quesada, Juan De Castro, Jennifer Zawislak, Jorge Acevedo, Ed Jachimowicz, and Liliana Tejidor | Beckman Coulter, Inc., Cellular Analysis Business Group, Miami, FL
