Valita Titer 试剂盒简化 IgG 定量分析


Valita Titer Assay分析开发工作流程



快速和高通量的IgG 定量

Valita Titer 试剂盒可直接对粗细胞培养样本进行快速、高通量 IgG 定量分析,优化抗体工艺开发工作流程,支持早期工艺评估、培养条件优化、工艺放大/缩小评估、工艺稳健性评估和故障排除。


Valita Titer IgG 定量试剂盒帮助您缩短分析时间,更快地做出明智的决定。


valita titer技术比较

Valita Titer IgG 定量试剂盒仅需少量样本即可实现高灵敏度和特异性的IgG 定量分析,助您从每份样本中尽可能获得更多的信息,优化资源利用率。


valita titer简化的工作流程简化分析过程
Valita Titer IgG 定量试剂盒提供简化分析过程的工作流程。凭借简单的加样-混合-读数的工作流程,有效减少了与抗体滴度定量相关工作的复杂性,并消除了样品制备或洗涤的需要。


 valita titer轻松集成至自动化工作流程轻松集成至自动化工作流程
Valita Titer IgG 定量试剂盒可轻松集成到自动化工作流程中,形成全自动的IgG定量平台,以提高样本通量并加速样本处理。它与大多数自动化平台兼容,包括 Biomek i系列自动化工作站





凭借荧光偏振的赋能,Valita Titer 测定法是目前业内简单、快速且易于自动化的 lgG 定量分析方法。



Insightful Resources

valitatiter application note
Technical Note
Rapid Rabbit IgG Quantification using the Valita Titer Assay

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Valita Titer Assay Brochure

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Learn More About the Valita Titer Assay

Introducing Valita Titer Assays

Valita Titer plate-based, 96- and 384-well assays that offer a rapid, cost-effective way to measure IgG

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Automate With Ease

Easily integrate Valita Titer into your automated liquid handler and microplate reader

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Cell Line Development Webinar

Speed up your clone selection process with the Valita Titer assay

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Say Goodbye to Sample Preparation

Measure IgG titer straight from cell culture samples—no sample prep, additional reagents or wash required

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Future of Bioprocessing

Let's dive into the world of monoclonal antibodies and explore the solutions that pave the way for innovative and effective therapeutics.

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Let’s Accelerate Your Antibody Discovery and Development

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© For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Valita, Valita Titer and the ValitaCell logo are the trademarks of ValitaCell Ltd in the United States and other countries. ValitaCell is a Beckman Coulter Company.