为避免低性能的移液造成不良影响,研究人员通常使用大量的样品和试剂来制备qPCR实验 - 提高了成本并降低了生产能力。通过避免交叉污染及将反应液量减少到低至250 nL,Echo移液器扭转了这种趋势。
Echo移液器降低了384孔和1536孔qPCR实验的成本 - 将总反应液量减少到低至250 nL。由于Echo移液器不需要枪头或是接触液体,因此消除了所有的交叉污染风险。此外,次微升级的精准转移使得无需事先稀释便可添加高浓度的样品。借助一体式的微孔板处理自动化选件和专为基因组研究定制的软件,Echo系统能够轻松地根据生产环境进行调整。
- 通过有效的实验小型化来降低操作成本
- 改善数据质量且实验体积低至250 nL
- 避免交叉污染
- 为基因组实验量身定制一体化的系统和软件
Related Products

DNA/RNA Extraction
Increase throughput and help improve results for downstream genomic applications when extracting nucleic acid from blood, cells, FFPE, tissue or other sample types, using Biomek Genomic Workstations and Beckman Genomic Reagents.
Genomic Reagents
Powered by Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) technology, widely known for use in our Agencourt AMPure XP in which paramagnetic beads selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size, Beckman Coulter Genomic Reagents enable high performance isolation purification and clean-up protocols.
Biomek Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstations
Automate magnetic-bead based extraction and cleanups to improve the quality of samples going into downstream NGS, microarray, and qPCR workflows using Biomek automated liquid handlers.
Access Systems
The Access Laboratory Workstation and Access Systems offer walk-away solutions that incorporate the Echo Liquid Handler for a turnkey, automated solution for high-throughput qPCR studies.AMP UP YOUR qPCR: Scalable Workflows for Viral RNA Extraction and Reaction Setup
Additional Resources
- Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations
- Echo Acoustic Liquid Handlers
- Biomek Echo One 高通量基因组学整合解决方案
- Biomek NGeniuS全自动文库制备系统
- Biomek i5 自动化工作站
- Biomek i7 自动化工作站
- Echo 650声波移液系统
- Echo 525声波移液系统
- Biomek 基因组工作站
- Access自动化台面整合系统
- Access整合系统
- Biomek 4000 实验室自动化工作站
- Biomek NXᴾ 自动化工作站
- Biomek FXᴾ 实验室自动化工作站
- Acoustic Liquid Handling Contact
- BIomek And Genomic Automated Solutions
- Echo Acoustic Technology
- Echo声波纳升级移液系统 —— 受严格监管实验室的理想选择
- 自动化下一代测序样品制备方法
- NGS Workflow Automated Solutions
- 自动核酸样品制备方法
- 液体处理系统软件
- HTS和复筛
- Liquid Handling for Gene Expression
- Liquid Handling for Genotyping
- Helping the Immune System Beat Cancer: Biologics in Immuno-oncology Research
- Liquid Handling for Microbial Research
- A Natural Answer: Biologics 101
- Natural Factories: Biologics Production 101
- Package Delivery: Biologics as Vectors
- Acoustic Liquid Handling for Protein Crystallography
- qPCR
- Restoring Balance: Biologics in Immune-Disorder Research
- 单细胞基因组学与单细胞分析
- Viral Detection
- Contact Us
- 核酸的纯化和片段筛选
- 总核酸提取
- DNA 提取
- RNA 提取
- Genomic Solutions Collaboration Program
- SPRI Grants for Genomic Research
- 基因组学原理验证支持
- Genomic reagents selection guide
- Genomics Technical Support