20 世纪 40 年代末,华莱士·H·库尔特与美国海军签约之际,开发出一种通过测量阻抗来计算颗粒数量和粒径的技术。该技术的开发旨在通过测量悬浮于电流体中的细胞流经小孔时电导率的变化值,以快速计算血细胞数量。目前,98% 以上的自动细胞计数器均采用该技术,即库尔特原理。在过去的 75 年间,这项技术还被用于表征数千种不同工业颗粒材料。
采用该原理的贝克曼库尔特仪器系统称为库尔特计数器。药物、颜料、填料、调色剂、食品、磨料、炸药、粘土、矿物、建筑材料、涂层材料、金属、过滤材料等样品类型均可采用库尔特原理进行分析。这种方法适用于测量任何可悬浮于电解质溶液中的颗粒材料。颗粒直径常规测量范围为 0.4~1600 µm。涉及该技术的文献已超过 8000 篇。
在库尔特计数器中,一支管壁有小孔的试管浸入装有低浓度电解液的烧杯内,颗粒悬浮于电解液中。烧杯内配备两根电极,一根置于孔管内,另一根置于管外但依然在烧杯内,当施加电场时,电解液提供电流通路(如图 1)。由此可测量出电极间的阻抗。小孔处产生所谓的“感应区”。悬浮于低浓度电解液中的颗粒数量,可经其流经小孔时测得。当颗粒流经小孔时,其体积等同于从感应区流走的该颗粒浸没的电解液体积。结果,小孔处阻抗发生短时变化。这种变化可用电压脉冲或电流脉冲测量。脉冲高度与被感应颗粒的体积成正比。假设颗粒密度恒定,则脉冲高度也与颗粒质量成正比。这项技术又称为小孔技术。
利用计数及脉冲高度分析仪电路,可以测量通过小孔的颗粒数量及每一个颗粒的体积。如果能精确控制并测量流经小孔的液体体积,那么样品浓度也可以测定。在现代库尔特计数器(如 Multisizer™ 3 和 Multisizer™ 4)、颗粒计数器和颗粒粒度测量仪中,使用多个描述每个脉冲的关键参数(如脉冲高度、脉冲宽度、时间戳、脉冲面积等)对脉冲进行数字化和保存。这些参数使仪器能够更好地区分噪声和真实脉冲,同时区分正常脉冲及颗粒通过小孔时由于各种原因产生的畸变脉冲。如果将脉冲按时间顺序排列,存储脉冲可用于监测测量时间段内样品的变化。实际操作中,颗粒体积通常用当量球径表示,因而实测颗粒体积(或粒径)可用于统计粒径分布。
库尔特计数器的计数和粒度测量速度高达10,000 颗粒/秒,一次典型测量耗时不到一分钟。粒径测量精度误差小于 1% 。测量孔径尺寸通常介于 20~2000 µm。每个小孔均可测量标称直径在 2%~80% 范围内的颗粒。也就是说,粒径在 0.4~1600 µm 范围内的颗粒均可测量。但是,该技术的颗粒分析能力仅适用于那些能够适当悬浮在电解质溶液中的颗粒。因此,砂粒粒径上限可达 500 µm,而碳化钨颗粒粒径则不能超过 75 µm。此外,主要由小孔自身产生的电子噪声限制了测量粒径的下限。最适用孔径尺寸的选择取决于待测颗粒本身的粒径大小。如果待测样品所含颗粒粒径大部分落在 30:1 范围内,则可选取到适用的孔径。例如,直径为 30 µm的小孔可测量粒径约为 0.6 ~ 18 µm 的颗粒,直径为 140 µm 小孔可测量粒径约为 2.8~84 µm 的颗粒。如果待测颗粒粒径范围超出单一小孔测量范围,则必须使用两个或更多的小孔,在这种情况下测量结果可重叠,以便提供完整的粒径分布信息。
这种高分辨率优势显著,最突出的一点是能够显示出粒度分布的详细信息。在粒度分布测量中,无论是通过累积方式还是差异方式显示,每个分布结果通常都是由预设粒度范围内的数百个数据点组成。每个数据点称为一个 bin(桶)。由于每个颗粒均受测量,因此每个 bin 都是给定粒度范围内颗粒的集合。根据分布宽度可细分总粒度范围,从而显示粒度分布细节(即可预设每个 bin,使其涵盖更小的粒度范围)。
高分辨率的其他优点还包括能显示出两个颗粒之间的细微差别,并能提供更精准的分布统计值。下图中显示的是,使用贝克曼库尔特Multisizer 4 测量的样品结果,并将结果以不同粒度范围呈现出来。右图中的脉冲数据划分为更细的容器组,显示出更多的粒度分布细节。
F 型库尔特计数器

研究人员发明了一种将 F 型库尔特计数器用于山羊红细胞计数的方法。山羊红细胞与人红细胞相比,体积小而数量多。取自 25 只山羊的血样,分别使用 100 微米和 70 微米孔径管进行细胞计数,并取每个样品的一部分进行目视计数。而后统计分析确定哪个小孔的计数结果比人工计数更准确、更具可重现性。结果发现,100 微米孔径管获得的计数结果与人工计数结果无显著差异。
这项技术在医疗行业取得了商业上的成功,彻底改变了血液学。红细胞、白细胞和血小板构成了血液中的大部分有形成分。使用等渗盐水稀释抗凝人全血后,可以利用库尔特原理计算全血所含各种细胞的数量和大小。1954 年 A 型库尔特计数器(由华莱士·库尔特和约瑟夫·库尔特兄弟开发)面市,这是库尔特原理首次在血液学方面的商业应用。
- 研究领域
- 细胞类型
- 疾病管理
- 生物制剂发现和开发
- Allergies
- Autoimmune Diseases
- 心血管疾病
- Congenital Disorders
- 皮肤病
- 胃肠道疾病和功能紊乱
- Genetic
- Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases
- 传染性疾病
- Metabolic
- Diseases of the Microbiome
- 肿瘤学
- 环境疾病
- Minimizing Waste in Flow Cytometry Workflows
- T cell
- Myeloid
- CD200 Expression
- ClearLLab LS Hematolymphoid Neoplasias
- Standardized Compensation Setup for the ClearLLab 10C Application
- Download the Immunophenotyping Reference Table for Hematopoietic Malignancies
- ClearLLab 10-Color Panel Performance: Lot-to-Lot Reproducibility
- DURA Innovations Cost Benefit Calculator
- Leukemia and lymphoma: an example of how flow cytometry aids diagnosis
- Workflow Efficiency from Using Dry Reagents
- Dry Versus Liquid Antibody Reagents
- Meet the Experts
- Standardized Results - Clinical Vignettes
- Global Health
- 生物工艺的未来
- 行业领域
- USP<643>
- IVDR 2022 is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll help you go the distance.
- 21 CFR Part 11 - Data Integrity
- Maintaining Data Integrity: Understanding FDA ALCOA Guidance
- European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.2.44
- EU GMP Annex 1
- EU GMP Annex 11
- ICH Q2
- ISO 21501
- ISO Regulations
IVD-Regulation (IVDR)
- IVDR compliant instruments*
- IVDR compliant software*
- IVDR compliant reagents
- E-book
- Building IVDR compliant panels for haematological disorders
- Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) vs IVD Validation Workflow
- Potential Impacts of EU IVD-Regulation on the Clinical Flow Cytometry Lab
- IVD-R Annex I Global Safety and Performances Requirements (GSPR). A New Set of Requirements for Clinical Laboratories Performing Laboratory Developed Tests
- Key Considerations to Validate a Flow Cytometry Assay According to ISO 15189 Requirements
- Regulatory Entities: Separation with Cooperation
- USP 1046
- USP 1047
- USP <788>, <787> and EP2.9.19
- USP <790>
- ISO 11171
- ISO 14644-1
- USP 787
- 实验方法
- 探索更多资源,丰富您的样本类型
Machine Learning Assisted Analysis for Cytometry Data
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Snapshot of the Workflow for High Dimensional Data Analysis: from Start to Publication
- Customer Interview: Jamie D. McNicol, Analytical Project Manager
- Data Expectations
- How Does the Cytobank Workflow Fit Your Research?
- Learn from your peers
- Advance Your Knowledge of Machine Learning-Assisted Analysis
- Get the Cytobank Platform and Publish
- Reproducible High Dimensional Data Analysis: Is Your Lab Ready?
- Untapped Potential
- 激光衍射
- NGS测序文库制备
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Dynamic Light Scatter
- 干粉试剂技术
- Accessible Flow
- Acoustic Sample Management
- Elevating Bioprocessing Efficiency with Avanti JXN and Optima XPN Centrifuges
- How the Vi-CELL BLU Analyzer supports You from Data to Insights
- 实验室自动化原理
- 离心分离技术
- Cytobank Training
- Flow Cytometry
- SPRI Beads
- Accessible Flow Learning Center
- 流式细胞术基础知识
- Flow Cytometry Data Reproducibility
- Flow Cytometry Panel Design
- 库尔特原理
Machine Learning Assisted Analysis for Cytometry Data
- 17-Marker, 18-Color Human Blood Phenotyping Made Easy with Flow Cytometry
- 21 CFR 第 11 部分关于在线 WFI 仪器的数据完整性要求
- 8011+ Reporting Standards Feature and Synopsis
- Air Particle Monitoring ISO 21501-4 Impact
- Automated Cell Plating and Growth Assays
- Automated Cord Blood Cell Viability and Concentration Measurements Using the Vi‑CELL XR
- Automated Genomic Sample Prep RNAdvance
- Beer, Evaluation of Final Product and Filtration Efficiency
- Biomek Automated NGS Solutions Accelerate Genomic Research
- Biomek i-Series Automation of the Beckman Coulter GenFind V3 Blood and Serum DNA Isolation Kit
- Preparation and purification of carbon nanotubes using an ultracentrifuge and automatic dispensing apparatus, and analysis using an analytical centrifuge system
- Viability Assessment of Cell Cultures Using the CytoFLEX
- Classifying a Small Cleanroom using the MET ONE HHPC 6+
- Clean Cabinet Air Particle Evaluation
- Recommended cleaning procedure for the exterior surface of the MET ONE 3400+
- Counting Efficiency: MET ONE Air Particle Counters and Compliance to ISO-21501
- Critical Particle Size Distribution for Cement using Laser Diffraction
- CytoFLEX
- Detecting and counting bacteria with the CytoFLEX research flow cytometer: II-Characterization of a variety of gram-positive bacteria
- Efficient kit-free nucleic acid isolation uses a combination of precipitation and centrifugation separation methods
- Compensation Setup For High Content DURAClone Reagents
- Echo System-Enhanced SMART-Seq v2 for RNA Sequencing
- Grading of nanocellulose using a centrifuge
- Grading of pigment ink and measurement of particle diameter using ultracentrifugation / dynamic light scattering
- A Highly Consistent Bradford Assay on Biomek i-Series
- How to Use Violet Laser Side Scatter Detect Nanoparticle
- HRLD Recommended Volume Setting
- Long Life Lasers
- Particle Size Analysis Simple, Effective and Precise
- Flow Cytometric Analysis of auto-fluorescent cells found in the marine demosponge Clathria prolifera
- MET ONE Sensor Verification
- Metal colloid purification and concentration using ultracentrifugation
- Separation and purification of metal nanorods using density gradient centrifugation
- High-throughput Miniaturization of Cytochrome P450 Time-dependent Inhibition Screening Using the Echo 525 Liquid Handler
- Miniaturized and High-Throughput Metabolic Stability Assay Enabled by the Echo Liquid Handler
- Minimal Sample to Sample Carry Over with the HIAC 8011+
- Modern Trends in Non‐Viable Particle Monitoring during Aseptic Processing
- Particle diameter measurement of a nanoparticle composite - Using density gradient ultracentrifugation and dynamic light scattering
- Identification of Circulating Myeloid Cell Populations in NLRP3 Null Mice
- Optimizing the HIAC 8011+ Particle Counter for Analyzing Viscous Fluids
- Particle testing in cleanroom high-pressure gas lines to ISO 14644 made easy with the MET ONE 3400 gas calibrations
- Pharma Manufacturing Environmental Monitoring
- Pharma Manufacturing Paperless Monitoring
- Analysis of plant genome sizes using flow cytometry: a case study demonstrating dynamic range and measurement linearity
- Protein purification workflow
- Calibrating the QbD1200 TOC Analyzer
- Detection Limit
- JP SDBS Validation
- Using the Coulter Principle to Quantify Particles in an Electrolytic Solution for Copper Acid Plating
- USP 787 Small Volume Testing
- A fully automated plate-based optimization of fed-batch culture conditions for monoclonal antibody-producing CHO cell line
- A High-Throughput, Automated Screening Platform for IgG Quantification During Drug Discovery and Development
- Automated Research Flow Cytometry Workflow Using DURA Innovations Dry Reagent Technology with the *Biomek i7 Automated Workstation and *CytoFLEX LX Flow Cytometer
- Automating antibody titration using a CytoFLEX LX analyzer Integrated with a Biomek i7 Multichannel workstation and Cytobank streamlined data analysis
- Automated IDT Alt-R CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Lipofection Using the Biomek i7 Hybrid Automated Workstation
- Monitoring Plant Cell Cultures with BioLector and Multisizer 4e Instruments
- Monitoring E. coli Cultures with the BioLector and Multisizer 4e Instruments
- Monitoring Yeast Cultures with the BioLector and Multisizer 4e instruments
- Biomek i7 Hybrid Automated KAPA mRNA HyperPrep Workflow
- Cultivation of suspended plant cells in the BioLector®
- 利用BioLector进行细胞死亡的测定
- Echo System-Enhanced SMART-Seq v4 for RNA Sequencing
- A Simple Guide to Selecting the Right Handheld Particle Counter for Monitoring Controlled Environments
- Linearity of the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Counter and Analyzer
- Miniaturized 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing with the Echo 525 Liquid Handler for Metagenomic and Microbiome Studies
- Nanoliter Scale High-Throughput Protein Crystallography Screening with the Echo Liquid Handler
- Preparation of Mouse Plasma Microsamples for LC-MS/MS Analysis Using the Echo Liquid Handler
- Robust and High-Throughput SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA Detection, Research, and Sequencing Using RNAdvance Viral and the OT-2 Platform
- The Valita Aggregation Pure assay: A rapid and accurate alternative for aggregation quantification of purified monoclonal antibodies
- Accurate enumeration of phytoplankton using FCM
- Accurately measures fine bubble size and particle count
- Achieving Compliant Batch Release – Sterile Parenteral Quality Control
- Adaptive Laboratory Evolution of Pseudomonas putida in the RoboLector
- Adjustment of the pH control settings in the BioLector Pro microbioreactor
- Aerobic cultivation of high-oxygen-demanding microorganisms in the BioLector XT microbioreactor
- An Analytical Revolution: Introducing the Next Generation Optima AUC
- BioLector XT 新一代高通量微型生物反应器益生菌厌氧培养工艺研究
- 使用 Multisizer 4e 库尔特颗粒计数及粒度分析仪监测贻贝/软体动物的繁殖
- Assay Assembly for Miniaturized Quantitative PCR in a 384-well Format Using the Echo Liquid Handler
- Automated 3D Cell Culture and Screening by Imaging and Flow Cytometry
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Automated Transfection Methods
- Automating a Linear Density Gradient for Purification of a Protein:Ligand Complex
- 自动化生物制药质量控制以降低成本并提高数据完整性
- Automating Bradford Assays
- Automating Cell-Based Processes
- Automating Cell Line Development
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Automation of CyQuant LDH Cytotoxicity Assay using Biomek i7 Hybrid Automated Workstation to Monitor Cell Health
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Automation of protein A ELISA Assays using Biomek i7 hybrid workstation
- The new Avanti J-15 Centrifuge Improves Sample Protection and Maximizes Sample Recovery
- The New Avanti J-15 Centrifuge Time Saving Deceleration Profile Improves Workflow Efficiency
- Avanti JXN Protein Purification Workflow
- Avoid the Pitfalls When Automating Cell Viability Counting for Biopharmaceutical Quality Control
- Biomek基因组样品制备自动化解决方案加速研究进程
- Biomek i-Series Automated AmpliSeq for Illumina® Library Prep Kit
- Biomek i-Series Automated Beckman Coulter Agencourt RNAdvance Blood Kit
- Biomek i-Series Automated Beckman Coulter Agencourt RNAdvance Cell
- Biomek i-Series Automated Beckman Coulter Agencourt SPRIselect for DNA Size Selection
- Biomek i-Series Automated IDT® xGen Hybridization Capture of DNA libraries on Biomek i7 Hybrid Genomics Workstation
- Biomek i-Series Automated Illumina Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep Kit
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- Biomek i-Series Automated Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Kit
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- Biomek i-Series Automated KAPA HyperPrep and HyperPlus Workflows
- Biomek i-Series Automated New England Biolabs NEBNext® Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit
- Biomek i-Series Automated SurePlex PCR and VeriSeq PGS Library Prep for Illumina
- Biomek i-Series Automation of the DNAdvance Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
- Cell Counting Performance of Vi–Cell BLU Cell Viability Analyzer
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Cell Line Development – Data Handling
- Cell Line Development – Limiting Dilution
- Cell Line Development – Selection and Enrichment
- 库尔特原理分析细胞
- Changes to GMP Force Cleanroom Re-Classifications
- Characterizing Insulin as a Biopharmaceutical Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- 洁净室常规环境监测 —— FDA 关于 21 CFR Part 11 数据完整性要求
- Cluster Count Analysis and Sample Preparation Considerations for the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyzer
- Comparing Data Quality & Optical Resolution of the Next Generation Optima AUC to the Proven ProteomeLab on a Model Protein System
- 使用MET ONE 3400+ 进行 ISO 14644-3 洁净室自净时间测试
- Considerations of Cell Counting Analysis when using Different Types of Cells
- Consistent Cell Maintenance and Plating through Automation
- Control of Spheroid Size and Support for Productization
- Control Standards and Method Recommendations for the LS 13 320 XR
- Data-integrity-and-met-one-3400-plus-function-for-pharma
- Cultivation of Mammalian Cells in the Cydem VT System Bioreactor Module
- Cydem VT Automated Clone Screening System – Generating an Antibody Standard Curve
- Cydem VT System: A Comparison to Traditional Clone Screening Platforms
- Optimize Clone Screening: Time Savings with the Cydem VT System in Monoclonal Antibody-Producing Cell Line Development Workflows
- Use Machine Learning Algorithms to Explore the Potential of Your High Dimensional Flow Cytometry Data Example of a 20–color Panel on CytoFLEX LX
- How to use R to rewrite FCS files with different number of channels
- A new approach to nanoscale flow cytometry with the CytoFLEX nano analyzer
- CytoFLEX nano 纳米流式分析仪:纳米级流式细胞仪的前沿新技术
- Detecting Moisture in Hydraulic Fluid, Oil and Fuels
- Detection of Coarse Particles in Silica Causing Cracks in Semiconductor Encapsulants
- Detection of foreign matter in plating solution using Multisizer4e
- Determination of drug-resistant bacteria using Coulter counters
- Determination of Size and Concentration of Particles in Oils
- DO-controlled fed-batch cultivation in the RoboLector®
- dsDNA Quantification with the Echo 525 Liquid Handler for Miniaturized Reaction Volumes, Reduced Sample Input, and Cost Savings
- Screening of yeast-based nutrients for E. coli-based recombinant protein production using the RoboLector Platform
- E. coli fed-batch cultivation using the BioLector® Pro
- Effective Miniaturization of Illumina Nextera XT Library Prep for Multiplexed Whole Genome Sequencing and Microbiome Applications
- Efficient clone screening with increased process control and integrated cell health and titer measurements with the Cydem VT Automated Clone Screening System
- Efficient Factorial Optimization of Transfection Conditions
- Enhancing Vaccine Development and Production
- Enumeration And Size Distribution Of Yeast Cells In The Brewing Industry
- European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.2.44 and Total Organic Carbon
- Evaluation of Instrument to Instrument Performance of the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyzer
- Exosome-Depleted FBS Using Beckman Coulter Centrifugation: The cost-effective, Consistent choice
- Filling MicroClime Environmental Lids
- Flexible ELISA automation with the Biomek i5 Workstation
- Friction Reduction System High Performance
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Fully Automated Peptide Desalting for Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis Using Beckman Coulter Biomek i7 Hybrid Workstation
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Get Control in GMP Environments
- Getting Started with Kaluza: Data Scaling and Compensation Adjustment
- Getting Started with Kaluza: Parameters
- g-Max: Added Capabilities to Beckman Coulter's versatile Ultracentrifuge Line
- A method of grading nanoparticles using ultracentrifugation in order to determine the accurate particle diameter
- HIAC Industrial – Our overview solution for fluid power testing for all applications
- High throughput cultivation of the cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma reesei in the BioLector®
- High-Throughput qPCR and RT-qPCR Workflows Enabled by Echo Acoustic Liquid Handling and NEB Luna Reagents
- A Highly Consistent BCA Assay on Biomek i-Series
- A Highly Consistent Lowry Method on Biomek i-Series
- Highly Reproducible Automated Proteomics Sample Preparation on Biomek i-Series
- High-throughput IgG quantitation platform for clone screening during drug discovery and development
- High-throughput Miniaturization of Cytochrome P450 Time-dependent Inhibition Screening Using the Echo 525 Liquid Handler
- Cell Line Development – Hit Picking
- Host Cell Residual DNA Testing in Reduced Volume qPCR Reactions Using Acoustic Liquid Handling
- How Violet Side Scatter Enables Nanoparticle Detection
- Automating the Cell Line Development Workflow
- ICH Q2 – the Challenge of Measuring Total Organic Carbon in Modern Pharmaceutical Water Systems
- ICH Q2 – The Challenge of Measuring Total Organic Carbon in Modern Pharmaceutical Water Systems
- ICH Q2 – the Challenge of Measuring Total Organic Carbon in Modern Pharmaceutical Water Systems
- Illumina Nextera Flex for Enrichment on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Genomics Workstation
- Importance of TOC measurement in WFI in light of European Pharmacopoeia change
- Improved data quality of plate-based IgG quantification using Spark®’s enhanced optics
- Increased throughput for IgG quantification using Valita Titer 384-well plates
- Integration of the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyzer into the Sartorius Ambr® 250 High Throughput for automated determination of cell concentration and viability
- Temperature dependence of hydrodynamic radius of an intrinsically disordered protein measured in the Optima AUC analytical ultracentrifuge.
- Introducing the Cydem VT Automated Cell Culture System: A high-throughput platform for fast and reliable clone screening experiments
- Issues with Testing Jet Fuels for Contamination
- Jurkat Cell Analyses Using the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyzer
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Linearity of BSA Using Absorbance & Interference Optics
- LS 13 320 XR: Sample Preparation - How to measure success
- Beckman’s LS 13 320 XR Vs. Malvern Mastersizer
- Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Provide Deep Insights into Cellular Subset Composition
- Matching Cell Counts between Vi–CELL XR and Vi–CELL BLU
- 利用RoboLector提高谷氨酸棒状杆菌蛋白质产量的培养基优化研究
- MET ONE 3400+ LDAP & Active Directory connection Guide
- Method for Determining Cell Type Parameter Adjustment to Match Legacy Vi CELL XR
- 将 CytoFLEX S 流式细胞仪上设计的面板迁移至 CytoFLEX SRTl流式分选仪
- Miniaturization of an Epigenetic AlphaLISA Assay with the Echo Liquid Handler and the BMG LABTECH PHERAstar FS
- Miniaturization of Cytochrome P450 Time-dependent Inhibition Screening Using the Echo 555 Liquid Handler
- Miniaturization and Rapid Processing of TXTL Reactions Using Acoustic Liquid Handling
- Miniaturized Enzo Life Sciences HDAC1 Fluor de Lys Assays Using an Echo Liquid Handler Integrated in an Access Laboratory Workstation
- Miniaturized Enzymatic Assays with Glycerol
- Miniaturized EPIgeneous HTRF Assays Using the Echo Liquid Handler
- Miniaturized Gene Expression in as Little as 250 nL
- Miniaturized Genotyping Reactions Using the Echo Liquid Handler
- Miniaturized Multi-Piece DNA Assembly Using the Echo 525 Liquid Handler
- Miniaturized Sequencing Workflows for Microbiome and Metagenomic Studies
- Minimizing process variability in the manufacturing of bottled drinking water
- CytoFLEX SRT 上的混合模式分选
- Mode of operation of optical sensors for dissolved oxygen and pH value
- Modular DNA Assembly of PIK3CA Using Acoustic Liquid Transfer in Nanoliter Volumes
- Multi-Wavelength Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Human Serum Albumin complexed with Porphyrin
- Nanoliter Scale DNA Assembly Utilizing the NEBuilder HiFi Cloning Kit with the Echo 525 Liquid Handler
- Nanoscale Sorting with the CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter
- What to do now that ACFTD is discontinued
- Low-pH profiling in µL-scale to optimize protein production in H. polymorpha using the BioLector
- Optimized NGS Library Preparation with Acoustic Liquid Handling
- Optimizing the Multisizer 4e Coutler Counter for use with Small Apertures
- Optimizing Workflow Efficiency of Cleanroom Routine Environmental Monitoring
- Spectral Flow Cytometry: A Detailed Scientific Overview
- Particle Counting in Mining Applications
- Performance of the Valita Aggregation Pure assay vs HPLC-SEC
- BioLector XT微型生物反应器小球藻光营养培养
- Astrios和CytoFLEX SRT流式分选仪的孔板分选速度比较
- Precision measurement of adipocyte size with Multisizer4e
- Principles of Continuous Flow Centrifugation
- Flow Cytometric Approach to Probiotic Cell Counting and Analysis
- Protocols for use of SuperNova v428 conjugated antibodies in a variety of flow cytometry applications
- Purifying High Quality Exosomes using Ultracentrifugation
- Purifying viral vector with VTi 90 rotor and CsCl DGUC
- USP System Suitability
- Calibrating the QbD1200+ TOC Analyzer
- Quality Control of Anti-Blocking Powder Particle Size
- 符合《联邦法规 21 章》第 11 部分规定的质量控制电子记录
- A Rapid Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Workflow Using Machine Learning- Assisted Analysis to Facilitate Identifying Treatment- Induced Changes
- Rapid Measurement of IgG Using Fluorescence Polarization
- Rapid Rabbit IgG Quantification using the Valita Titer Assay
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Root Cause Investigations for Pharmaceutical Water Systems
- Screening yeast extract to improve biomass production in acetic acid bacteria starter culture
- 用CytoFLEX SRT细胞分选仪进行单细胞分选
- Full Automation of the SISCAPA® Workflow using a Biomek NXP Laboratory Automation Workstation
- Leveraging the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX for Monitoring Cell Metabolic Activity
- Unveiling the Hidden Signals: Overcoming Autofluorescence in Spectral Flow Cytometry Analysis
- 用CytoFLEX SRT分选稀有E-SLAM造血干细胞及其后续培养
- Unlocking Insights: The Vital Role of Unmixing Algorithms in Spectral Flow Cytometry
- Specification Comparison of Vi–CELL XR and Vi–CELL BLU
- Specifying Non-Viable Particle Monitoring for Aseptic Processing
- A Standardized, Automated Approach For Exosome Isolation And Characterization Using Beckman Coulter Instrumentation
- Streamlined Synthetic Biology with Acoustic Liquid Handling
- Switching from Oil Testing to Water and back using the HIAC 8011+ and HIAC PODS+
- SWOFF The unrecognized yet indispensable sibling of FMO
- 使用基于13色管的DURAClone干粉试剂在CytoFLEX流式细胞仪上进行人T细胞亚群的高级分析
- The scattered light signal: Calibration of biomass
- Comparative Performance Analysis of CHO and HEK Cells Using Vi-CELL BLU Analyzer and Roche Cedex® HiRes Analyzer
- Using k-Factor to Compare Rotor Efficiency
- Utilization of the MicroClime Environmental Lid to Reduce Edge Effects in a Cell-based Proliferation Assay
- Validation of On-line Total Organic Carbon Analysers for Release Testing Using ICH Q2
- Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination of Vi–CELL BLU Instrument
- Vertical Rotor Case Study with Adenovirus
- 采用 CytoFLEX 进行囊泡流式细胞术检测
- Automating the Valita Titer IgG Quantification Assay on a Biomek i-Series Liquid Handling System
- Variability Analysis of the Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyzer against 3 Automated Cell Counting Devices and the Manual Method
- Vi-CELL BLU FAST Mode Option
- Vi-CELL BLU 符合 21 CFRPart 11的法规要求
- Viral Vector Purification with Ultracentrifugation
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) for Characterization of Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs): A Comprehensive Review
- Leveraging Analytical Ultracentrifugation for Comprehensive Characterization of Lipid Nanoparticles in Drug Delivery Systems
- Whole Genome Sequencing of Microbial Communities for Scaling Microbiome and Metagenomic Studies Using the Echo 525 Liquid Handler and CosmosID
- 产品目录
- 实验步骤
- Access Single Robot System——合成生物学工作流利器
- Automated Solutions for Cell Line Development
- Automated Solutions for ELISA
- Echo Acoustic Liquid Handling for Synthetic Biology
- HIAC 8011+ Liquid Particle Counting Systems
- HIAC 9703+ Sub-Visible Particulate Testing
- LS 13 320 XR - Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
- ValitaTiter IgG定量试剂盒彩页下载
- Achieving Increased Efficiency and Accuracy in Clinical Testing
- Adenoviral Vectors Preparation
- Algae Biofuel Production
- Antibody and Media Development
- Autophagy
- B Cell Research
- Basic Research on Reproductive Biology
- Cardiovascular Disease Research
- Cell Marker Analysis
- Choosing a Tabletop Centrifuge
- Collagen Disease Treatment
- Controlling Immune Response
- Creating Therapeutic Agents
- DNA Extraction from FFPE Tissue
- English Safety Seminar
- Equipment Management
- Exosome Purification Separation
- Fast, Cost-Effective and High-Throughput Solutions for DNA Assembly
- Future of Fishing Immune Research
- Hematopoietic Tumor Cells
- High-throughput next-generation DNA sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 enabled by the Echo 525 Liquid Handler
- Hiroshima Genbaku HP Hematopoietic Tumor Testing
- iPS Cell Research
- Leveraging acoustic and tip-based liquid handling to increase throughput of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing
- Measuring the number of CD34 using AQUIOS
- Membrane Protein Purification X Ray Crystallography
- Organelles Simple Fractionation
- Particle Interaction
- Quality evaluation of gene therapy vector
- Retinal Cell Regeneration
- Sedimentary Geology
- Severe Liver Disease Treatment
- Tierra Biosciences reveals major molecular discovery
- Treating Cirrhosis
- University Equipment Management
- Fundamentals of Ultracentrifugal Virus Purification
- 单页
- Background and Current Status of the Introduction of Flow Cytometers
- Bacteriological-measurements-of-soil-bacteria-in-paddy-fields
- Benefits-of-the-coulter-principle-in-the-manufacturing-for-ips-cell-derived-natural-killer-cells
- Central Diagnosis in the Treatment of Childhood Leukemia 1
- Central Diagnosis in the Treatment of Childhood Leukemia 2
- Challenges-in-viability-cell-counting
- Contribution of Cytobank to 1-cell analysis of the cancer microenvironment
- Development of technology for social implementation of synthetic biology
- Flow Cytometry Testing in Hospital Laboratories
- Fundamentals of Ultracentrifugal Virus Purification
- Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 research and DNA Cleanup Process
- Fundamentals of Ultracentrifugal Virus Purification
- Dr Yabui UCF Lecture
- Applications of Ultracentrifugation in Purification and Characterization of Biomolecules
- Automating Genomic DNA Extraction from Whole Blood and Serum with GenFind V3 on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Genomic Workstation
- ABRF 2019: Automated Genomic DNA Extraction from Large Volume Whole Blood
- Automated library preparation for the MCI Advantage Cancer Panel at Miami Cancer Institute utilizing the Beckman Coulter Biomek i5 Span-8 NGS Workstation
- Automating Cell Line Development for Biologics
- Cell-Line Engeneering
- Characterizing the Light-Scatter Sensitivity of the CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer
- AACR 2019: Isolation and Separation of DNA and RNA from a Single Tissue or Cell Culture Sample
- Mastering Cell Counting
- Preparing a CytoFLEX for Nanoscale Flow Cytometry
- A Prototype CytoFLEX for High-Sensitivity, Multiparametric Nanoparticle Analysis
- ABRF 2019: Simultaneous DNA and RNA Extraction from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) Tissue
- Quantification of AAV Capsid Loading Fractions: A Comparative Study
- Using Standardized Dry Antibody Panels for Flow Cytometry in Response to SARS-CoV2 Infection
- 产品说明书
- Centrifugation is a complete workflow solution for protein purification and protein aggregation quantification
- AUC Insights - Analysis of Protein-Protein-Interactions by Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- A General Guide to Lipid Nanoparticles
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation: A Versatile and Valuable Technique for Macromolecular Characterization
- Addressing issues in purification and QC of Viral Vectors
- GMP Cleanrooms Classification and Routine Environmental Monitoring
- Purification of Biomolecules by DGUC
- AUC Insights - Assessing the quality of adeno-associated virus gene therapy vectors by sedimentation velocity analysis
- AUC Insights - Sample concentration in the Analytical Ultracentrifuge AUC and the relevance of AUC data for the mass of complexes, aggregation content and association constants
- Analyzing Biological Systems with Flow Cytometry
- 亚可见颗粒物检测新进展:USP <1788>的最新修订
- Changes to USP <643> Total Organic Carbon
- Characterization of RNAdvance Viral XP RNA Extraction Kit using AccuPlex™ SARS–CoV–2 Reference Material Kit
- CytoFLEX Platform Gain Independent Compensation Enables New Workflows
- CytoFLEX Platform Flow Cytometers with IR Laser Configurations: Considerations for Red Emitting Dyes
- Evaluation of the Analytical Performance of the AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer in a Multi-Center Study
- Simultaneous Isolation and Parallel Analysis of gDNA and total RNA for Gene Therapy
- Hydraulic Particle Counter Sample Preparation
- Inactivation of COVID–19 Disease Virus SARS–CoV–2 with Beckman Coulter Viral RNA Extraction Lysis Buffers
- Tips for Cell Sorting
- Liquid Biopsy Cancer Biomarkers – Current Status, Future Directions
- MET ONE 3400+ IT Implementation Guide
- Reproducibility in Flow Cytometry
- SuperNova v428: New Bright Polymer Dye for Flow Cytometry
- SuperNova v428: New Bright Polymer Dye for Flow Cytometry
- Japan Document
- Access Laboratory Workstation Introduction
- Allegra V-15R Features and Benefits
- Allegra V-15R Launch Event
- AQUIOS CL How It Works
- AQUIOS Designer Software Workflow Efficiency
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Online Presentation
- Automated Positive-Pressure Extraction: Biomek i-Series Integrated Solutions
- BeckmanConnect Privacy and Security Highlights
- BioLector XT Microbioreactor
- BioLector XT Microbioreactor & Biomek i5 Liquid Handler Integration
- Biomek i-Series and Echo Acoustic Liquid Handler Integrated Workstation
- Biomek i Series: Dual Gripping on the i7 Hybrid
- Biomek i Series: Gripper Rotation and Navigation on High-Density Deck
- Biomek i Series: Intrawell Pipetting for Mixing Using 96 Multichannel
- Biomek i Series: Parallel Processing on the i7 Hybrid
- Biomek i Series: Transferring Labware In/Out of an on-deck Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC)
- Biomek i5 for Automating Protein Quantification & Characterization
- Biomek i5 for Automating Screening & Hit Picking
- Biomek i-Series: 6-Column Multichannel Plate Transfer
- Biomek i-Series: 96 Multichannel Selective Tip Pipetting by Row and by Column
- Biomek i-Series: 96 Multichannel Tip Loading
- Biomek i-Series: Large Volume Transfer Using the 96 Multichannel
- CellMek SPS Innovation Keynote
- CellMek SPS Overview
- CellMek SPS Workflow
- Cydem VT Automated Clone Screening System
- CytExpert Compensation Workflow
- Overview of Cytobank Features and Functions
- DxFLEX Flow Cytometer
- Echo Liquid Handler Can Simultaneously Normalize and Pool NGS Library
- Echo Reduce Time in NGS
- Fully Automated Clone Selection: Biomek i-Series Integrated Solutions
- History of Automation
- Inside the DXFLEX Flow Cytometer Photodetectors in Flow Cytometry
- Introduction to AUC_JP
- Introducing the QbD1200 TOC Analyzer
- MET ONE 3400+ Series Airborne Particle Counter
- MET ONE 3400+ Series Airborne Particle Counter
- Microtiter plate lid management
- Photodetectors in Flow Cytometry
- QbD1200 Virtual Demo of Calibration
- QbD1200 Virtual Demo of Paperless Reporting
- QbD1200 Virtual Demo of a Measurement Setup
- Reagent Kits for Viral RNA Extraction
- Span-8 1 mL tip loading
- Valita Titer Intro
- 白血病免疫分型分析培训
- CytoFLEX 产品介绍_蜂鸟
- CytoFLEX 开箱视频
- CytoFLEX 特殊步骤
- CytoFLEX 产品介绍媒体视频
- 高通量自动化基因克隆及蛋白表达系统
- DxFLEX 产品介绍
- 免疫治疗101介绍
- 超净快封管取样法
- 离心管类型与化学相容性_CN
- 高通量自动化NGS捕获文库构建系统
- Vi-CELL BLU 产品介绍视频
- 高通量自动化工业微生物筛选系统
- DxFLEX 流式细胞仪自动上样
- Vi-CELL XR 产品介绍及操作
- JLA-8.1000 大容量高效转头使用及维护注意事项
- 高通量昆虫细胞培养自动化系统
- 高通量蛋白质纯化自动化系统
- 高通量原核细胞培养自动化系统
- 高通量哺乳动物细胞培养自动化系统
- DxFLEX 流式细胞仪招标介绍
- OptiClone 流式单色抗体试剂产品介绍视频
- CytoFLEX SRT 流式细胞分选仪介绍视频
- CytoFLEX SRT 流式细胞分选仪发布视频
- MoFlo Astrios EQ 流式分选系统软件操作
- MoFlo XDP 流式分选系统软件操作
- DxFLEX 流式细胞仪软件操作
- CytoFLEX 流式细胞仪操作指南
- CytoFLEX 流式细胞仪Inside技术介绍
- CytExpert 补充工作流程操作
- Cytobank Experiment manager 简介
- Cytobank Inked 注册与登录
- Cytobank Inked 如何新建数据
- Cytobank Inked viSNE 操作
- Cytobank Inked 如何获取更多信息
- Cytobank Gating 操作
- 高通量自动化分子检测系统
- 高通量细胞培养和活性分析系统
- Echo+Biomek 高通量NGS文库制备方案
- Echo 纳升级单细胞测序技术介绍
- Echo 高通量工程菌改造经验分享讲座
- Inside the Vi-CELL BLU
- Vi-CELL XR 单样品测试
- Vi-CELL XR 生物过程监测
- Vi-CELL XR 细胞识别参数重新设定
- Vi-CELL XR 样品连续测试
- Vi-CELL MetaFLEX 生化分析仪介绍
- Vi-CELL MetaFLEX 样品测试
- Vi-CELL MetaFLEX 更换试剂包
- Vi-CELL MetaFLEX 更换传感器
- 9703+ CP 测试程序设定步骤
- 9703+ CP 测试程序设定步骤-内置药典部分
- 9703+ 按软件内置药典程序测试样品
- 9703+ 软件IST测试
- 9703+ 软件查看电子记录
- 9703+ 软件自定义样品测试
- 9703+ 样品设置
- Multisizer 样品杯切换
- Multisizer 运行质控品
- Multisizer 小样品杯的使用
- 高通量分子克隆与微生物筛选系统
- BioLector Pro 微流控高通量微型生物反应器
- 推送摄像头和deckoptix
- Biomek i5 Viral RNA 提取
- 分析超离AUC第一部分-样品池组装和加样
- 分析超离AUC第二部分-AUC实验门户操作
- 分析超离AUC第三部分-AUC仪器控制面板操作
- 分析超离AUC第四部分-仪器关机/数据保存与样品池清洗
- 分析超离AUC第五部分-Sedfit数据分析
- 离心瓶操作-快封管
- 离心瓶操作-指封管
- 离心瓶操作-PC瓶
- 离心瓶操作-薄壁管带盖
- Ti-15区带转头使用及维护注意事项说明
- AUC技术简介视频
- 贝克曼库尔特正式发布新一代微型生物反应器BioLector XT
- 一段关于微生物反应器的创新历史
- 你听到创新的脚步声了吗?全新微型生物反应器即将来临 - BioLector XT
- ECHO移液原理
- 如何使用样品收集袋
- 如何从样品收集袋回收样品
- JLA-8.1000大容量转头及离心瓶操作及注意事项
- 新产品发布:以静制动——EMnetik用电磁场刷新核酸纯化技术
- Vi-CELL BLU Analyzer Integration with Sartorius Ambr® 250 High Throughput Bioreactor & Ambr ® 15 Cell Culture Systems
- Vi-CELL BLU Sample Flow Animation
- Introducing the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX
- DURA Innovations: A Better Monday
- Advantages of ClearLLab LS
- Allegra General Purpose Centrifuge Line
- Allegra X-15R - Aerosolve Package
- Allegra X-15R Centrifuge Performance
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Analysis and Reporting
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Automated and Single Loading
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Pipeline Sample Processing
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Sample Preparation
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Smart Track Reagent Monitoring
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometry Workflow Efficiency
- Automate Flow Cytometry Assays
- i-Series Automated Workstations Teaser 1
- Avanti J-26S Performance
- Avanti J-26S Portfolio
- Avanti J-26S Redesign Advantages
- Avanti J-26S Safety and Reliability
- Avanti J-26S Sustainability
- Avanti J-26S User Experience
- Avanti J-26S Versatility
- Avanti JXN High Performance Centrifuge - Bioproduction
- Avanti JXN High Performance Centrifuge -- Manual Run
- Avanti JXN Series High Performance Centrifuge: Introduction
- Avanti JXN Series High Performance Centrifuges in Shared Labs
- Avanti JXN-26 High Performance Centrifuge
- Biomek 4000 Automated Workstation Overview
- Centrifuge Service Installation
- ClearLLab 10C System for Integrated L&L Immunophenotyping
- Offline analysis of CytExpert files using Kaluza Analysis Software
- Bandpass filter light path of the CytoFLEX
- Wavelength Division Multiplexer of the CytoFLEX
- CytoFLEX Lasers and Integrated Optics
- CytoFLEX LX Introduction
- Peristaltic Pump in the CytoFLEX
- CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer Plate Loader Option Overview
- CytoFLEX flow cytometry for the bench (and other fun locales)
- CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer Special Procedure
- DURA Innovation Workflow Comparison
- DURA Innovations Technology and Advantages
- DxFLEX Overview
- Ease of Use Avanti JXN - High Performance Centrifuges
- Gallios Flow Cytometer Overview
- Harvest Line System Liner: How to Use
- Harvest Line System Liner: How to Use
- HIAC 8011+ Digital Exports and Web Server
- HIAC 8011+ Liquid Particle Counter Features
- HIAC 8011 Plus Interchangeable Sensors and Magnetic Stirrer
- HIAC 8011+ Liquid Particle Counter Overview
- HIAC 8011+ Product Demonstration
- HIAC 8011+ Liquid Particle Counter Sample Recipe Setup
- 8011+ Sample Recipe Wizard
- HIAC 8011+ Self-Diagnostic Alerts and Cleaning Routines
- HIAC 8011+ Vacuum and Degas
- HIAC PODS+ Digital Exports
- HIAC PODS+ Filter Cart Mode
- HIAC PODS+ Internal Compressor and Moisture Detector
- HIAC PODS+ Online Mode
- HIAC PODS+ Liquid Particle Counter -- An Overview
- HIAC PODS+ Product Demonstration
- HIAC PODS+ Sample Recipe Wizard
- HIAC PODS+ Self-Diagnostic Alerts and Cleaning Routines
- Introducing the Biomek i-Series Automated Workstation
- Introducing the LS 13 320 XR
- Introduction to AUC - an Analytical Ultracentrifuge
- Introduction to CytoFLEX LX
- i-Series Automated Workstations Teaser 4
- Kaluza Reads FCS Compliant Files: FACSCelesta
- Kaluza Reads FCS Files: FACSVerse Acquisition Data
- Kaluza Software Award
- Kaluza Software Design
- Kaluza Software Launch
- Kaluza Software Parametric Visualization
- Kaluza Software Performance
- LS 13 320 Overview - Particle Characterization
- LS 13 320 XR ADAPT Software
- LS 13 320 XR: X-D Array and PIDS Technology
- Changing the Module in the LS 13 320 XR
- Multisizer 4e Cell Counter and Analyzer -- An Overview
- Searching for the Oldest Centrifuge
- Optima AUC Overview, New Analytical Ultracentrifuge
- Optima MAX Series - Tabletop Ultracentrifuge
- Optima X Series Ultracentrifuges - An Overview
- Optima XE and XPN Ultracentrifuge Performance
- Optima XE and XPN Safety and Reliability
- Optima XE and XPN Ultracentrifuges: A Total System
- The Optimized Path to Pharmaceutical Production
- Results with Tandem Dyes
- The AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Advantage
- The History of AUC - An Analytical Ultracentrifuge
- Ultra Harmonic Technology in the Avanti J-15 Centrifuge
- Unboxing Your New CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer
- Vi-CELL BLU Livestream Announcement
- 全新的Vi-CELL BLU 下一代细胞计数和活性分析仪
Scientific Videos
- The Coulter Principle
- Overview of Density Gradient Equilibrium Analytical Ultracentrifugation (DGE-AUC)
- 3D Imaging of Cancer Spheroids
- A Simplified Approach to Automating ELISA
- Advances in Cellular Automation
- Advances in Synthetic Biology Technologies: Cell-Free Protein Synthesis from Academia to Applied Market
- Automated 3D Cell Culture and Screening by Imaging and Flow Cytometry
- Automated Cell Culture Workflows: Biomek Integrated Solutions
- Automated group testing at scale to enable COVID-19 decision makers - Using Echo for tapestry pooling and high-throughput qPCR setup
- CytoFLEX使用的雪崩光电二极管
- Biomek FXP as a tool for discovery
- CAR-T Cell Therapy: Introduction and Overview
- Cellular Solutions of all Shapes and Sizes
- Centrifuge 101
- Challenging Samples in Cancer Research: Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
- Contract Manufacturing Services
- CRISPR for Immunotherapy: Introduction and Overview
- Custom Design Services for Multi-Color Flow Cytometry
- Cytogenetics Cancer Research
- Digital Pathology Image Analysis for Cancer Research
- DNA and RNA Sequencing Sample Preparation
- DURAClone Technology
- Echo Acoustic Liquid Handling Technology
- ELISA Automation on a Biomek i-Series
- An Overview of Exosome Isolation
- The Principle of Flow Cytometry (FCM)
- Flow Cytometric Analysis of Hematologic Malignancies with ClearLLab LS Tube
- Gene Therapy Workflow from Production to Quality Control
- Automated human stem cell-based phenotypic high-throughput drug screening
- How Automation Helps to Improve your ELISA
- Immunotherapy Introduction and Overview
- New Strategies to Improve Your CE-SDS Results from a Data-Driven Perspective
- New Automation Strategies for Improving Sample Prep for The Analytical Laboratory
- Increasing NGS Sequencing Capacity with High-Throughput Automated TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Construction
- Industrial Fluid Particle Counter Sample Preparation
- Innovation to Improve Genomic Sample Prep
- Introduction to Automating NGS Workflows
- Introduction to Flow Cytometry
- Multipurpose robotic platform for molecular biology, biophysical, and cellular assays
- NanoGBS - A Miniaturized Procedure for Genotyping By Sequencing Library Preparation
- Automated NEBNext Ultra Directional RNA Library Prep Kit
- Phospho Epitopes Exposure Kit
- Proteome Centric Precision Medicine - Embracing Pathological Diversity
- Evaluation to Implementation with the University of Luxembourg
- Sample Preparation for Biologics Bioanalysis
- Chemogenomics - Screening of Biologically Active Drug Libraries
- Small Talk: Episode 1 - Before You Even Start…
- Small Talk Episode 2 - Harvesting EVs
- Small Talk: Episode 3 - Getting Ready for Your Experiment
- Small Talk Episode 4 - Let's Explore
- Small Talk Episode 5 - The Power of Flow
- Small Talk Q&A
- SPRI Bead Technology Video
- A Streamlined Approach to Automating ELISA
- Cell volume is an important indicator of white blood cell health and therapeutic potential
- Translating Nature into Medicine Using Machine Learning, Metabolomics, and High-Throughput Pharmacology
- Trends in Mass Spectrometry
- Unlocking FFPE Tissues using Illumina NGS Biomek Automated Sample Preparation
- VersaComp Antibody Capture Beads
- Viral Particle Production 101
- Viral Vectors Introduction and Overview
- Workflow Challenges Solved: The Palmer Lab
Symposium Videos
- Assessing Proliferation and Cytotxic Potential Using Multicolor Flow Cytometry
- AUC Symposium: Characterization of Gene Therapy Formulations by Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- AUC Symposium - Building Better Things with the Analytical Ultracentrifuge
- Lipid Nanoparticles: Paradigm-Shifting Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
- AUC Symposium Panel Discussion - June 2021
- Analytical Ultracentrifuge (AUC) Symposium Series: Multiwavelength Analysis of Proteins (Session 1)
- Analytical Ultracentrifuge (AUC) Symposium Series: Multiwavelength Analysis of Proteins (Session 2)
- Automation of sample preparation for an efficient protein quantification workflow for proteomics
- Covid Symposium Day1, Q&A, Panel Discussion
- Anis Larbi Physiological Aging and Immunological Erosion
- Andrea Cossarizza Recognizing the Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2
- Ryan Brinkman The COVID Cytometry Project
- Q & A Session from Day 2, Viral Particle Detection and Characterization
- Silvana Verdiani New ELISA Kit for Serological Testing for SARS COV-2 Infection
- Miranda Byrne-Steele A Needle in a Haystack Using Immune Repertoire and Single Cell VDJ Sequencing to Identify COVID-specific B-cell Responses
- Marc-Andre Langlois Learnings from Single Particle Analysis of Moloney MLV Insight into its Infectivity, Genome Packaging Efficiency, and Host Marker Acquisition
- Q & A Session from Day 3, Vaccine and Therapy Development
- Jean Boyer Development and Immune Assessment of a DNA Vaccine Against COVID-19
- Bernhard Ellinger Using drug repurposing to identify inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 cellular toxicity in vitro
- Bruce Patterson Disruption of the CCL5RANTES-CCR5 Pathway 1 Restores Immune Homeostasis and Reduces Plasma Viral Load in Critical COVID-19
- DKMS Life Science Lab: ultra-high throughput HLA genotyping for stem cell donor recruitment
- Extracellular Vesicles for ‘Liquid Biopsy’ Development in Cancer by Dr. Karla Williams
- Introduction to Mesenchymal Stem Cell DURAClone Dry Reagents
- Miniaturization of metagenomic RNA-seq library prep demonstrates greatly improved productivity and efficiency when utilizing acoustic liquid handling
- Miniaturized Illumina Nextera XT Library Prep using an Integrated Biomek i5 and Echo 525 Liquid Handling Workstation
- Monitoring Signal Transduction Pathways in Human Disease
- Multi-Sizing your Multi-Color Panel
- SynBioBeta 2020 with Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
- Allegra V-15R Testimonial by Dr. Martin J. Richer
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Advantages
- Mobile Lab with AQUIOS - Dr Lillian Hesselink
- Mobile Lab with AQUIOS - Dr Roy Spijkerman
- BeckmanConnect Tohoku University
- Collaborative data analysis platform explained by our expert Herve Luche
- CytoFLEX Testimonial from Dr. Karen Hogg, University of York, United Kingdom
- Discovery in Motion: High-throughput Automation Solutions at Sintef
- Sintef: Why a CRO Chooses to Automate their Lab with Biomek Liquid Handlers
- Using Vertical Rotors and the new VTi 50.1 by Chris Nieder
- Dr. Karla Williams on Analyzing Extracellular Vesicles Using the CytoFLEX
- Reflections on 70 Years of Centrifugation Innovation
- Exosomes Workflow Testimonial with Dr. Vannberg
- Collaboration with the University of York and Dr. Karen Hogg
- Dr. Jurgen Riedl, Clinical Chemist, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Customer Testimonial
- Customer Testimonial: Flow Cytometry Service and Support with Dr. Karen Hogg
- Selecting High Performance Flow Cytometry Reagents with Dr. Karen Hogg
- High Quality Flow Cytometry Reagent Selection Criteria with Dr. Karen Hogg
- 简化AUC分析中的一个新维度——Borries Demeler博士
- AQUIOS CL Benefits with Casiana Fernandez-Bango
- AQUIOS CL Size Testimonial with Alexandra Amador
- AQUIOS CL Software Testimonial with Casiana Fernandez-Bango
- AQUIOS CL Training Testimonial with Alexandra Amador
- Sales to Implementation with the University of Luxembourg
- CytoFLEX Cancer Biology Research Testimonial with Leonardo Salmena
- CytoFLEX Capabilities Testimonial with Sarah Schuett
- CytoFLEX Lab Perspective Testimonial with Sarah Schuett
- CytoFLEX S Accelerated Research Testimonial with Brian Phillip
- CytoFLEX S Contest Winner Testimonial with Brian Phillip
- CytoFLEX S Potential Testimonial with Brian Phillip
- CytoFLEX Upgrades Testimonial with Sarah Schuett
- CytoFLEX Value Testimonial with Sarah Schuett
- Kaluza Software Testimonial with Dr. Rob Woestenenk
- Kaluza Software Testimonial with Tim Hutten
- Utilizing the CytoFLEX Testimonial with Leonardo Salmena
- CytoFlex operation in Chinese
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer - Advanced Operation Training
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer - Advanced Operation Training in French
- AQUIOS CL Advanced Operation in German
- AQUIOS CL Advanced Operation in Italian
- AQUIOS CL Advanced Operation in Portuguese
- AQUIOS CL Advanced Operation in Russian
- AQUIOS CL Advanced Operation in Spanish
- AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer - Basic Operation Training
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in French
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in German
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in Italian
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in Portuguese
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in Russian
- AQUIOS CL Basic Operation in Spanish
Tutorial Videos
- 5 Years of high-throughput strain engineering with the Echo: lessons from Zymergen Automation presented by Christopher Bremner, Automation Engineer, Zymergen @SLAS2020
- Characterization of CytoFLEX Gain Settings
- Cytobank Basics
- Cytobank CITRUS
- Cytobank Experiment Manager
- Cytobank FlowSOM
- Cytobank SPADE
- Cytobank viSNE
- Creating an Experiment using CytoFLEX
- Generating a Compensation Matrix using CytoFLEX
- CytoFLEX How to Set Up Violet Side Scatter
- How to Install Rotors on Allegra V-15R
- How to Program ECO Mode on Allegra V-15R
- How to Program Rapid Temp on Allegra V-15R
- How to Register Your Instrument with BeckmanConnect
- How to Set-Up and Run a Program on Allegra V-15R
- Intellifuge Calculator Introduction
- Kaluza Batch Analysis Tutorial with Dr. David Onion
- Kaluza Boolean Gates Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Kaluza cell cycle analysis Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Kaluza Composites Tutorial with Dr. David Onion
- Kaluza Cytobank Plugin
- Kaluza Linked Gates Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Kaluza LJ plots and QC analysis Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Kaluza Radar and Tree Plots Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Off-the-shelf, Echo-based DNA Assembly Automation presented by George McArthur, Arzeda @SLAS2020
- Optima AUC Cell Assembly Tutorial
- Optima AUC Cell Loading Tutorial
- Optima AUC Cell Preparation Tutorial
- Seminar: Diverse Applications of Flow Cytometry to Answer Biological Questions
- Extended Features for Kaluza Software Tutorial
- Getting to Know Kaluza Acquisition Software Tutorial
- Seminar: High Dimensional Flow Cytometry on Small Instrument Platforms Tutorial
- Kaluza Analysis Overview Tutorial
- Kaluza for Gallios Compensation Worklist Tutorial
- Kaluza for Gallios Simulator with a Legacy Browser Tutorial
- Kaluza for Gallios Software Tutorial - Flow Cytometry
- Kaluza Analysis Software Tutorial - Loading Files and Creating Plots
- Kaluza Analysis Software: Creating Overlay Plots
- Setting up Statistics with Kaluza Software Tutorial
- How to Fill and Seal a Quick-Seal Tube
- How to Seal Quick-Seal Tubes using the Cordless Tube Topper
- How to Use Open-Top Tubes in Ultracentrifuges
- How to Fill and Plug a OptiSeal Tube
- Syringe Extraction of a Ultra-Clear, Quick-Seal Tube
- 17 Color Immunophenotyping using CytoFLEX LX and ViaKrome
- 21 CFR Part 11 Data Integrity for Online TOC Instruments
- ACFTD Discontinuance and the HIAC 8011+ and HIAC PODS+
- Addressing the Challenges of Purification & Quality Control in Gene Therapy
- An End-to-End Automated Workflow for High-Throughput SARS-Cov-2 Sequencing and Surveillance
- Applications of Counterflow Centrifugal Elutriation CCE
- B-cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders Diagnostics by Flow Cytometry
- Cell-Free Technology and Acoustic Liquid Handling Are Helping Tierra Disrupt Natural Product Discovery
- Characterization of CRISPR Technologies Using Cell-Free Transcription and Translation and an Acoustic Liquid Handler
- Characterization of CRISPR Technologies Using Cell-Free Transcription and Translation and an Acoustic Liquid Handler
- Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles with Nanoscale Flow Cytometry
- Characterizing Viruses: From Deadly Pathogens to the Workhorses of Gene Therapy
- Choosing the Right TOC Analyzer for a Pharmaceutical QC Laboratory
- Cytobank Webinar - CITRUS in Practice with Dr. Anna Belkina
- Cleanroom Routine Environmental Monitoring & Classification
- Clinical Flow Cytometry User Group Meeting
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #6 Single Cell Data
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #4 FlowSOM
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #1 Introduction to Cytobank
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #3 viSNE
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #2 Data Management
- Cytobank Bootcamp Session #5 Biomarker discovery with CITRUS
- Recent Advances in Immunotherapy: Directing Cells to Address Disease
- Webinar: Flow Cytometry for Drug Allergy Diagnostics
- Evolution in the Manufacturing of Cellular Therapies
- Fast Cost-Effective High Throughput Solutions for DNA Assembly
- Goldilocks & the Three Cells: The Art of Monitoring & Managing Cell Cultures
- ICH Q2 Validating a TOC Analyser with the QbD1200
- ICH Q2 Validation of Analytical Procedures for Pharmaceutical TOC Analyzers
- Is Immunotherapy Living up to its Promise?
- Initial Evaluation of the ClearLLab 10C System in the Immunophenotyping of Leukemia and Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Kaluza Batch Analysis Tutorial with Dr David Onion
- Webinar: Kaluza Software for Flow Cytometry Data Analysis
- Leukocytes immunophenotyping in COVID-19 patients
- Leveraging acoustic and tip-based liquid handling to increase SARS-CoV-2 sequencing throughput
- Measuring Molecular Interactions by Multi-Wavelength AUC
- On the Importance of Monitoring Both Transfection and Transduction Efficiencies in Cell Therapy Development
- Multicolor Flow Cytometry Webinar
- Webinar: NanoGBS—A Miniaturized Procedure for Genotyping by Sequencing Library Preparation
- Next Generation Polymer Dyes: Enhance your multicolor flow cytometry panels
- Total Organic Carbon Analysis in the new ASTM E3106 Cleaning Standard
- Real-Time Detection of Bioburden & Biofilm in Water Systems
- Pharmaceutical Water Production, Richard Jarrett, Evoqua Water Technologies
- Meeting Global TOC and Conductivity Pharmacopeia Compliance while using ALCOA Requirements to Protect Data Integrity
- Validation of Growth Direct to Perform Pharmaceutical Water Bioburden Analysis
- Webinar: Practical aspects of laser diffraction results interpretation
- Predictive power of CITRUS
- Reducing Human Errors in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Quality Control
- Changes in T- and B-lymphocytes after COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 specific immunity
- Scaling-Up Exosomes and Other Extracellular Vesicles
- Take the Risk out of Rotations Understanding and Implementing BioSafety Solutions in Centrifugation
- Testing Vaccines Final Form Dose to USP<787> Subvisible Particulate Matter
- The Complexities of SV Analytical Ultracentrifugation: AAVs are not Simple, Binary Systems
- Transferring Cell Counting Methods: Best Practices
- Understanding the How and the Why: Biosafety in Centrifugation
- Understanding the Role and Benefits of Centrifugation in Cell Harvest and Separation
- qPCR Webinar: Scalable Workflows for Viral RNA Extraction and Reaction Setup
- GMP Cleanroom Routine Environmental Monitoring & 21 CFR Part 11 Data Integrity
- Achieving Cell-Free Gene Expression with An Acoustic Liquid Handler
- Seminar: Advanced Sensitivity and Resolution in Flow Cytometry through Innovation
- Webinar: An Intro to Characterization of Biomolecules Using AUC
- Analytical Methods to Measure Empty and Full AAV Particles
- Cell Counting & Viability: Faster Results Through Automation
- Changes to USP <1788>: Determination of Subvisible Particle Matter from the HIAC and Coulter Counters
- Changes to USP <643> Total Organic Carbon for Pharmaceutical Grade Waters
- Characterization of LNPs via Density Matching AUC
- Characterizing Viral Vector Fullness in Density Gradient Separations
- Machine Learning Assisted Population Identification
- Cytometry data sharing platform for collaborative multi-centric data analysis
- Direct EV Measurement in Complex Biofluids Using Single Vesicle Flow Cytometry (vFC) and the CytoFLEX
- DNA Cytometry with Kaluza
- Environmental Cleanroom Monitoring & 21 CFR Part 11 Data Integrity
- Flow Cytometry in Clinical Immunology-Actual Approach to Immune Status Evaluation
- Fully Automated RNA Library Preparation for Sequencing Respiratory Viruses
- Looking Under the Hood: Getting Started with the Optima AUC
- Cleanrooms: Controlling Contamination, Setting Alerts & Actions, Considerations of Removal Efficiency
- GMP Cleanroom Routine Environmental Monitoring & 21 CFR Part 11 Data Integrity
- Particle Monitoring Systems for Isolator / RABS Filling Lines and 503B Compounding Facilities
- Nano-Emulsion Formulation and Characterization Life Science and Industrial Markets
- Overcoming the Hurdles of Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation for Optimized Gene Therapy Purification Workflows
- Particle Size Analysis with Laser Diffraction and Result Interpretation
- Q&A Panel discussion, LSUG Lab and Pharma Water speakers
- Plant Cell Cytometry Analysis
- Rare events analysis by flow cytometry
- The Revised ISO 14644-1 Changes Classification and Monitoring Methods
- Introduction to the New USP <787>: Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injections
- Advances in Sedimentation Analysis by Dr. Borries Demeler
- Agencourt AMPure XP
- Automated Alternative to the Hanging Drop Method of Stem Cell Differentiation
- Analysis of Cell Biochemical Processes from First Principles to Cytometry
- Analysis of Particle Size Distributions by Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation For Structural Analysis - Proteins and Macromolecular Complexes
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation in Nanoparticle Analysis
- Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Carbon Nanotubes
- Automated 3D Cell Culture and Screening by Imaging and Flow Cytometry
- Automated Assays For Protein Engineering, In Vitro And In Vivo, By Dr. Daniela Quaglia
- Automated High-Throughput and High-Content Analysis by Flow Cytometry
- Using Data to Drive Automated Screening and Effective Reporting
- Automating Continuous Cell Culture by Dr. Oliver Gassmann
- Avoid Pitfalls When Automating Cell Viability Counting for Biopharmaceutical Quality Control
- Taking the Tricky Out of Automating NGS Sample Prep
- Automation-Enabled LC-MS Analysis of Biologics
- Automation of PCR Setup and AMPure XP Purification using the Biomek 4000 Workstation
- Avoiding the Perils of Hidden Requirements
- Basic Research Signaling Applications
- The Use of the Analytical Ultracentrifuge to Characterize Very Large Complex Biopharmaceuticals
- Cell Cycle Analysis by Quantitative Imaging Cytometry
- Cellular Analysis Using the Coulter Principle
- Centrifugal Elutriation - Utility in the Flow Cytometry Laboratory
- Centrifugation Safety (Japanese)
- Centrifugation Safety 1 (Japanese)
- Centrifugation Safety 2
- Contamination Control in the Hydraulic Industry
- Data Insights for Automated Liquid Handling
- Dendritic Cells Sorting
- Detection of Microparticles with Flow Cytometry
- Development and Production of Viral Vectors: Advances in Processes and Translation for Human Gene Therapy
- Diamond-Based Nanomedicine for Enhanced Cancer Treatment and Imaging
- Diversity of Cancer-Derived Extracellular Vesicles
- Diversity of Extracellular Vesicles and Their Cargo in Cell-To-Cell Communication
- Emitting Dye for Violet Laser Excitation with Krome Orange
- European Pharmacopoeia EP2.2.44 Total Organic Carbon
- Exosome Biogenesis and the Budding of Proteins and Viruses
- High-Performance Exosome Purification and Characterization via automated Density Gradient
- Exploring Exosomes and the Tumor Microenvironment
- Exploring the Stoichiometry of Macromolecular Complexes Using Multi-Signal Sedimentation Velocity Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Extracellular Vesicle Isolation by Flow Cytometric Sorting and Characterization by Analytical Ultra-Centrifugation and Dynamic Light Scatter
- Extracellular Vesicles Delivery and RNA Translation
- Advanced Flow Cytometric Analysis of Human T-Cell Memory Subsets
- Flow Cytometry Data Analysis in a Flash
- Gallios Flow Cytometer Forward Angle Light Scatter Innovation
- Hematopoietic Bone Marrow Cell Sorting without Compromise
- How Stem Cells Speak with Immune Cells
- ICH Q2 Validation of On-line TOC Analyzers
- Identifying and Isolating Stem Cells Through High-Speed Cell Sorting
- New Strategies to Improve Your CE-SDS Results: A Data-driven Perspective
- New Automation Strategies For Improving Sample Prep - The Analytical Laboratory
- Isolation and Characterization of Exosomes and Ectosomes
- Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles: Latest Advances and Challenges
- Large Scale Purification of RNA and RNA-based Nanoparticles by Preparative Ultracentrifugation
- Laser Cytometry in Biomedical Analysis
- Leveraging the Value of Automated High-Content Screening
- Microvesicle Detection and Cell Sorting
- Monitoring Signal Transduction Pathways in Human Disease
- Multi-Color Solution for Flow Cytometry
- Multi-Sizing your Multi-Color for Panel Design
- Combined Use of Multiple Particle Characterization Technologies to Evaluate Targeted Liposomal Formulations
- Optimizing Quality Control Electronic Records for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
- Advanced Process Quality Control and Outlier Detection with Discrete Particle Analysis
- Particle Counters Must Now be Calibrated With ISO 21501-4
- Particle Size and Associated Sedimentary Processes on Wetland Gain and Loss in the Mississippi River Delta
- Particle Size Characterization by Laser Diffraction Analysis in Geoscience and Soil Science
- Particle Size Distribution for Cement using Laser Diffraction
- Physical and Chemical Characterization of Nanoparticle Constructs Using the Analytical Ultracentrifuge
- Proteome Profiling of the Tumor Microenvironment: Role of Human Primary Fibroblasts Derived Exosomes in Oral Cancer Progression
- Quantifying Protein Aggregates by Sedimentation Velocity
- Quantitative Determination of Reaction Stoichiometry, Interaction Energies, and Solute Masses Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation
- Rethinking Data Analysis for Flow Cytometry with Kaluza 1.1 Software
- Sample Prep for MS
- Contemporary Cell Staining and Imaging Tools for Screening Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes
- The Art of Sorting for Advancing Cytometry
- The Future of Liquid Handling Automation has Arrived
- The Power of Automated Assay Optimization
- The Role of Exosomes in Inflammatory Disease - Pathogenesis and Treatment
- The Science of Flow Cytometry Part 1
- The Science of Flow Cytometry Part 2
- Three Distinct Analytical Ultracentrifugation Methods for Virus and Viral Vector Characterizations
- Cross-talk and Developmental Programs - A Key to Translational Stem Cell Biology
- 细胞治疗产品开发
- 先导化合物优化
- GMP生产质量控制
- Echo Liquid Handling for ADME-Tox
- HTS和复筛
- Liquid Handling for Gene Expression
- Liquid Handling for Genotyping
- Helping the Immune System Beat Cancer: Biologics in Immuno-oncology Research
- Liquid Handling for Microbial Research
- A Natural Answer: Biologics 101
- Natural Factories: Biologics Production 101
- Package Delivery: Biologics as Vectors
- Acoustic Liquid Handling for Protein Crystallography
- qPCR
- Restoring Balance: Biologics in Immune-Disorder Research
- 单细胞基因组学与单细胞分析
- COVID-19 研究
- Echo Liquid Handling for Microsampling
- 生物治疗药物的工艺过程开发
- 实验方法
- 3D 细胞培养技术
- Extracellular Vesicles
HIV Advanced Disease Management
- 12 Steps to CD4 Testing
- Advanced Disease Management
- World Health Organization Guidelines Reinforce Role of CD4 Cell Counting in Immunocompromised Patients
- CD4 Testing in Remote Areas
- Innovation In CD4 Testing
- The Impact of Laboratory Proficiency Testing And External Quality Assurance Schemes In Resource Limited Settings
- What is CD4 & Why is it Important?
- An Overview of the Current Status for the Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic
- Verifying for Small Particle with Certified Beads
- 生物纳米颗粒分析用仪器和产品
- Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles with Nanoscale Flow Cytometry
- 检测单个细胞外囊泡及其产物:和特异性囊泡流式细胞术(vFCTM)
- Things to Consider for Small Particle Research
- Western Blot and Other Methods vs. Nanoscale Flow Cytometry
- 生物纳米颗粒和微粒介绍
- Easy to Learn: A New User CytoFLEX Experience
- 威廉姆斯实验室的一个发现
- 细胞外囊泡研究趋势
- Free Extracellular Vesicles Poster For Your Lab
- Nanoscale Frequently Asked Questions
- Small Talk
- Karan Story
- Astrios and the Nanoscale
- 纳米级别的细胞分选
- The Importance of Guidelines in Small Particle Research
- How the CytoFLEX Enabled The Williams' Lab Extracellular Vesicles Research